Part 10 🔞

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🔞 Warning; this chapter might contain a smut please read at your own risk.

Chapter 10

Yoongi laid Jimin on his bed and look at the younger face worriedly.

" This is my fault..I'm such a fool aish!"

Yoongi hissed before walking out the room to get a warm water and a towel.

He strip Jimin's loose dirty t-shirt and clean Jimin's body.

" Why are you so damn sexy.."

Yoongi said while rubbing the towel on Jimin's abs down to his thighs.

Yoongi look away and gulped his saliva when he feels Jimin perfect curved waist and his big butt.

" Damn Yoongi calm down."

He said in his thought, he passed Jimin's private part and clean Jimin's feet quickly.

Then he get the first aid kit on his closet and clean Jimin's bruise's all over his body and face.

After that he get his pajama and wear it to Jimin carefully to not wake up the younger and tuck Jimin on bed before walking out the room.

Yoongi get his expensive red wine and drink alone thinking about what happened to Jimin.

He's about to go on his room but his cellphone rang. He get his phone on his pocket and answer it quickly when he saw who's calling.

??; Baby..I just saw you on the news!why are you carrying jimin? And someone told me that he's living with you! I'm really jealous right now..

Yg; I'm sorry baby Namjoon let him stay here for a while.

??; Then?! Why didn't you disagree! Why? You enjoyed what happened to the both of you that night don't you?!

Yg; again with that issue. I don't enjoyed what happened to the both of us okay? Stop thinking like that do you trust me? you know that I love you right..

??; I know but why are you carrying him!? You can just leave him alone! I know you! you're a person who don't give a fuck but what about him? I bet your done taking care of him right now how sweet.

Yg; tch! can you calm down? you know how much I love you and I miss you, but if you just called me to argue with me we better end this call before this misunderstanding turn into break up.

??; What? Did? You? Just? Say? Wow break up? Are you serious? Why? Jimin is flirting with you right? And you fall for him. Wow what a nice love story? I'm really mad right now baby.

Yg; aishh let's talk again when your not in a bad mood. calm down okay and rest well I'm sorry if I make you jealous but we can't talk like this I know your tired and I'm tired too I really need your hug and kisses right now I have emotions too and don't ever mention that scandal issue again it makes me want to break down so bad my career is ruined you should cheer me up but what are you doing?*sigh*..I love you don't stress yourself to much bye.

Yoongi ended the call with heavy heart he almost cry he really miss his baby so much but he's not the same.

Yoongi get some hard whine then drink it and let the liquor drown his feelings away.

Taehyung sit at the couch tiredly.

" Wow that's the exhausting meeting I ever attend."

He said before pressing the remote to turn on the TV.



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