Part 11

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Chapter 11

Warning; this chapter might contain vulgar words if you are a sensitive person please skip this if you want.



Jin can't handle the situation anymore Jimin is like a little brother to him, he can't just sit and watch while Jimin is suffering.

" Jin we can't we're here to investigate more right? We can't leave if we leave right now we never find the person who uploads Jimin and Yoongi's scandal."

Namjoon said blocking the door.

Jin brushes his hair using his hand and massages his temple out of frustration.

" I know Jimin is really special for you but if you want to help him, you need to stay here! find the truth and clean Jimin's name.."

Namjoon said convincing Jin to stay.

" Okay... thank you for calming me down... I'm just so worried.."

Jin flopped himself on the couch and buried his face on his palm.

Namjoon sits beside him and pulled Jin in a hug to comfort him.

Namjoon holds Jin's hand tightly and intertwined their fingers.

Jin look at Namjoon confused and look at their hands.

" I know this is not a good situation to tell you about this..but I admire you.. when I first laid my eyes on you...I know you're the one... I don't think you'll remember this but we met 6 years ago I'm the one who picked Jimin to be your trainee...cause I know you can make him famous you're a hardworking person and that's the reason why I fall for you...please let me show my love for you."

Namjoon grabs Jin's face slowly leaning forward to kiss his lips.

Jin feels butterfly in his stomach, he may not admit it but he has a crush on Namjoon, He just closes his eyes and let Namjoon kissed him.

Jin's mind immediately went blank as Namjoon's warm lips pressed against him, Just by his kiss alone, Jin can feel all the built-up frustration Namjoon had and the impatience of waiting for this opportunity.

Jin felt warm and fuzzy inside but a dreadful thought came to his mind and he immediately started to panic, placing his hands on Namjoon's shoulder to push him away but Namjoon took them instead and intertwined their fingers together.

Namjoon impatiently explored Jin's body with his hands underneath his shirt, making Jin shiver as his warm palms caressed his body.

Namjoon looked at Jin's flustered face and smile.

" I think... I don't like you anymore "

Namjoon said sadly that makes Jin's heart skipped a beat.

" W-what do you mean?"

Jin asked stuttering, he doesn't know but he felt his heart broke when Namjoon said he don't like him anymore.

"I don't like you anymore because I think I love you.."

Namjoon whisper before kissing Jin sweetly, Jin felt revived in what Namjoon say and smile between their kisses.

They both enjoy their night together and forget all about their problems enjoying the heat of each other's bodies.


Jimin's eye widened when he felt Yoongi's lips on his.

" I know this might be a selfish request but.. can I kiss you and own you tonight?:

Yoongi whispered while touching Jimin's face and looking at Jimin's eye lustfully, Jimin doesn't know how to react, his heart is beating so loud answering yes but his mind says no.

They both stared at each other's eyes longing for each other's touch.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something but Yoongi immediately pulled him in a fiery kiss.

Yoongi bit Jimin's bottom lip making an entrance for his tongue. Jimin felt flustered feeling loved for the first time, he lifts his hand and runs his fingers on Yoongi's soft fluffy hair.

Yoongi hovered on top of Jimin while parting their lips and breathing heavily.

" I'm sorry Jimin...but I don't think a kiss would be enough."


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