Part 20

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Chapter 20

Namjoon, Taehyung and Jin fall asleep in the couch thinking about the plan while Yoongi is still up all night thinking about Jimin.

It's 3 am in the morning when he received a text from Yolisha.

" Darling!!I know you're awake, your boyfie is sobbing so loud as fuck! that disturbed my beauty yeah come to my old house as soon as possible I think that little boyfie of yours can die any minute he's so weak lol HAHAHAHA."

Yoongi clenched his fist when he read Yolisha's message.

" Fuck.."

Yoongi cursed at loud that wake Namjoon up.

" Why what happened?"

Namjoon said rubbing his eye.

" I just received Yolisha's text and I'm going to her old house...I need to save Jimin..."

Yoongi said while walking upstairs Namjoon's followed him behind.

" Really? What did she say?"

Namjoon felt fully awaked when he heard Yolisha's name.

" Jimin can die anytime so I need to go as soon as possible."

Yoongi said while finding something in his closet.

" We need to report this to the police."

Namjoon said dialling someone's number but Yoongi hold his hand to stop him.

" No don't... your just going to put Jimin,Hoseok and Jungkook's life on risk. We need to go there all by ourselves and save them."

Yoongi said seriously looking at Namjoon's eye directly.

" Okay I'll wake up the other's and get them ready."

Namjoon said while nodding.

" Namjoon...I don't really think that they can go.. what if something happened to you? I can't take this anymore when you and others will get hurt because of me..."

Yoongi said with a soft and sincere voice.

" Don't worry we will be alright, everything will be alright..."

Namjoon said giving Yoongi a reassuring smile before walking out.

Yoongi sigh and get his hidden gun under his closet and shove it into his pocket before going downstairs.

He saw Namjoon waking up Jin and Taehyung.

He signaled Namjoon that he's going first Namjoon nod and mouthed "be careful" Yoongi just smiled at him before going out of his house.

Yoongi started his car ready to go even he's sweating because of nervousness.

This is like a drama where the leading man is going to save his leading lady but the difference is there is no leading lady, only two leading man with their friends.
Jimin felt like he's dying because he loss so many blood.

Hoseok and Jungkook beat him all night with no mercy.

" Hey pretty boy don't die yet Yoongi is on his way to save you!"

Yolisha said pouting at Jimin.

Jimin just give Yolisha a glare while breathing so hard.

" Why are you glaring at me?! I'm just cheering you up? You're so mean!"

Yolisha whine while looking at Hoseok and Jungkook.

" Yahh! He's mean! aren't you going to teach him a lesson?! Beat him up you idiots!"

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