Part 7

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Yoongi run as fast as he could.

" Why is this house is so big when there's just 2 people living on it shit."He hissed.

" Stop! "

He heard Jimin scream that make him nervous.

" JIMIN?!"

He opened the glass door quickly and saw a laughing Jimin with his 3 dogs licking Jimin's face.Jimin stop laughing when he noticed that Yoongi called him.

" Y-yes? "

He said and stand up quickly bowing.

" I almost fell on the stairs and this is just what's happening here? Fuck. I worried for nothing."

Yoongi mumbled and hit his forehead.

Jimin tilt his head looking at Yoongi weirdly.

" What is he mumbling about? is he going to shout me out in this house cause he didn't like the garden? Or because I play with his dog? And didn't prepare dinner?.."

Jimin ask his self worriedly.

" I'm sorry! I do my best to clean and organize this garden of yours and I'm sorry for playing with your dogs and not preparing dinner! Please don't shout me out I have nowhere to go..."

Jimin apologize at Yoongi that make the older male confused.

Yoongi look at the garden carefully and stare in awe.

" It's so beautiful.."

He said in his thought and looked at Jimin.

The younger boy have mud all over his body even in his face.

" It's not that bad you can go to my room and clean yourself you can use my clothes too.. I'll just call someone to make our dinner."

Yoongi said can't look at Jimin in the eyes the younger smile at him and bow.

" Thank you for your kindness."

Jimin said before bidding goodbye's to Yoongi's dog and leave.

" Kindness? Did I just lost my swag? Fuck that kid aish.."

He call someone to deliver some dinner on his house and sat on the grass admiring the beautiful garden that Jimin organized while playing with his dogs.


Jimin walked out on Yoongi's bathroom and open Yoongi's closet.

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