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" Excuse me sir but you can't go in... just wait here for a while. We always try our best to save our patients."

The doctor said trying to calm Yoongi and Namjoon.

" Try?! Don't just fucking try! Do all the best! That's all your job after all!"

Yoongi shout in frustration.

Namjoon apologizes to the doctor and drags Yoongi to the waiting area.

" Yoongi you need to calm down okay? Everything will be alright... right?"

Namjoon said biting his inside cheeks trying not to cry.

Yoongi notice Namjoon's behavior and looked at him sadly.

" I'm sorry Namjoon..it's my fault if I just help Jin to carry Jimin this wouldn't happen,"

Yoongi said in his softest voice while tapping Namjoon's back. Namjoon burst into tears while Yoongi is trying to comfort him.

An hour passed the doctor came out in the operation room.

"Doc how are they?!"

Namjoon said running into the doctor's direction.

" The man who got stabbed is fine his wound is doesn't that deep, and the one who has burned all over his body is now stable, but the one who got shot...we successfully get the bullet out of his body but the amount of blood he lost is not normal we couldn't find blood who same as he is...we need a donor as soon as possible so he can survive."

The doctor said sadly.

Yoongi's heart almost skipped a beat when he heard what the doctor said.

" A-are you sure about that doc?" Yoongi asked the doctor.

" Yes... his blood type is O and it's very rare when someone donates that type of blood...so please find him a donor as soon as possible."

The doctor bow at them before leaving.

"It's okay we will find a donor for Jimin."

Namjoon put his arm around Yoongi before entering the room.

Namjoon sits at the middle where Jin and Taehyung is. Jin is breathing heavily, he has burned all over his body even in his face.

Taehyung is still sleeping, he has thirteen stitches in his tummy.

While Jimin...he have a machine connected to his body helping him to breathe, his body is covered with bruise and scar that makes him weaker.

Yoongi's heart broke at the sight of his friends and lover.

" This is all my fault..."

Yoongi said in his thought He clenched his hand into a fist before walking in Jimin's direction.

Yoongi sits beside Jimin's bed. He caressed Jimin's bruise's in his face.

" I'm sorry..."

Yoongi voice cracked when a tear escaped on his eye.

" I should be the one who's laying in that bed not you...I'm sorry this is all my fault...if I haven't shout you out this wouldn't happen... forgive me...I love you..."

Yoongi cried in Jimin's chest.

He leaned forward and cupped Jimin's cheeks then he rested his forehead on Jimin's forehead while his tears are still streaming on his cheeks down to Jimin's face. He leaned closer until their nose touch.

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