Part 12 🔞

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🔞 Warning; this chapter might contain a smut please read at your own risk.

Chapter 12

" I'm sorry Jimin...but I don't think a kiss would be enough."

Yoongi whispered in a soft voice.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's neck.

Jimin moaned softly before pressing the back of his hand against his lips to stop hiself from making any noise.

Jimin's eyes were dazed as the hot feeling of Yoongi's tongue trailed down to his collarbone.

Yoongi pulled Jimin's t-shirt exposing the sexy body of the younger.

Yoongi leaned down on Jimin's exposed chest, biting into his left nipple while teasing the other with his hand, pinching it hard, making Jimin arch his back, both pain and pleasure surging through Jimin's body.

Soft moans escapes in Jimin's lips that turn Yoongi on.

Yoongi wrecked his t-shirt and pulled down his underwear.

Jimin blushed when he saw Yoongi's cock that immediately sprung to life.

" Don't pretend that this is your first time seeing my pet."

Yoongi said smirking that make Jimin blush more.

Yoongi kissed Jimin again biting his lower lips before entering his tongue inside Jimin's mouth, immediately dominating Jimin just by his tongue alone as Yoongi explored every part inside Jimin's mouth, while pulling off Jimin's underwear.

The both of them was now fully naked.

Their soft kiss turn into aggressive one making their body hotter.

Yoongi break the kiss with a string of saliva connected from their lips a moment before it broke.

Yoongi lift Jimin's legs and rest it on his shoulder.

" I'll be gentle this time I won't hurt you ..."

Yoongi spoke softly brushing Jimin's hair.

Jimin nod in approval and close his eyes while Yoongi is entering his hole slowly...

Yoongi hug Jimin's small body reassuring that he won't hurt the younger.

A tear escaped on Jimin's eye from pain and something he remembered.

He remember the first time they do sex.

The both of them are wasted and longing for each other touch with full of lust...

Yoongi leaned over to kissed Jimin's lip while thrusting slowly.

Jimin bit Yoongi's lip in pain but Yoongi didn't endure it.

" Ahh~you're so tight ughh.."

A sexy deep moan escape on Yoongi's lips.

Yoongi didn't felt the pain when Jimin bit his lips in fact he only feel pleasure when Jimin's organs wrap around his cock making his body hotter even more.

The pain slowly started to subside and is replaced with growing pleasure that make Jimin's groan turn into a moan.

" Ahh~ y-you can move f-faster..hmmn"

Jimin manage to speak between his moans.

Yoongi move back and forth faster that make Jimin a moaning mess.

" Ahh.. Jiminnn~.."

Yoongi moan while panting heavily grabbing Jimin's waist to make his thrust even deeper and faster.

Jimin's body heating up and his cock was already swelling, on the verge of reaching his peak.

Jimin moaned as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.

It didn't help when Yoongi hit Jimin's sweet spot and his vision flashed white for a second as he accidentally let out a loud moan.

" Yoongiii~ ahh I'm cumm- "

Jimin wasn't even able to finish his sentence when a string of white shot out of his tip.

Jimin's body tremble while Yoongi is still thrusting.

Yoongi felt a building sensation on his organs while moving back in forth in such a fast pace

" I-im c-cumming too.. Jimin~ ahh.."

Yoongi groaned as he continued to shove himself back and forth until a sudden burst of warm semen flooded inside Jimin's ass.

Yoongi panted heavily, his hot breath hitting Jimin's neck.

Yoongi pulled his cock out and kiss Jimin's forehead and hug his small body.

" Goodnight I love you.."

Yoongi said mumbling the last three words.

Jimin smile and hug Yoongi back.

" Goodnight.."

Jimin said before he buried his face on Yoongi's chest.
Yoongi woke up with a sleeping Jimin by his side.

He smiled when he remember what they do last night.

He steal a quick peck at Jimin's lips before entering the bathroom to wash his self.

He went out half naked with wet hair ready to tease Jimin again but before he could wake Jimin up his phone rang.

He looked at the notification and read the message that sent by unknown number.

Yoongi drop his phone on what he just read.

He badly want to wake Jimin up and kick him out of his room.

But he can't.

He carry Jimin's sleeping body and placed him on the guest room, before walking back on his room.

" This can't be... this is just a mistake...a second mistake."

Yoongi said frustratedly.


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