Part 15

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Chapter 15

Yoongi woke up when he felt Jimin is not beside him anymore, he look around but he saw no one.

He walked through the window while stretching his body.

He peeked on the window and his eyes widened when he saw Jimin shaking and a group of reporter almost broke his gate.

He rubbed his eyes if he's just imagining things but he's not.

"Holy swag?!"

Yoongi shout before running downstairs.

Namjoon and Jin called him but he just ignore them and run out side.


Yoongi shout.

When Yoongi appears the reporters went wild more that broke the brown wooden gate.

Jimin shut his eyes because of too much flash coming from their camera and when he saw the reporters coming into his direction.

Yoongi run and snake his arms around Jimin's waist and pulled him closer to him.

Reporters almost drop their jaw when they saw Yoongi hugging Jimin.

Yoongi's cold glare make all the reporters silence.

A camera man took a picture of them that caught Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi looked at the camera man with his famous resting bitch face that make the man gulp and looked down.

Yoongi is known as a cold hearted person he doesn't care if your a reporter or a very important person.

Yoongi is a type of guy that you don't want to have a fight with.

" Hey you! and you! all of you! Why are you all standing in my fucking lawn! "

Yoongi growled in anger while pointing at all of them

" Who the hell invited all of you to come in my house? y'all doesn't belong here, y'all doesn't allowed here! y'all even broke my gate!? This is a trespassing and a personal property damage! Do you want me to sue all of you?"

Yoongi growled in annoyance you can almost see the vein in his forehead cause by to much anger.

The reporters shiver in fear they knew Yoongi, he's powerful he can sue them all.


a group of reporter shout.

" Shut the fuck up! And how dare y'all... scared my boyfriend?!"

Yoongi shout while gritting his teeth.

Jimin looked at Yoongi unbelievably.

" Boyfriend? Did I heard it right? Did you record it? Maybe we misheard it?"

The reporters became noisy when Yoongi said Jimin is his boyfriend.

" E-excuse me but did you say Boyfriend?"

A reporter asked stuttering.

" Are y'all a deaf? Yes I said boyfriend,were in a relationship"

Yoongi said hugging Jimin tightly, Jimin blink his eyes multiple times while his heart is beating fast ,he just can't believe what's happening now.

"Why y'all have a problem with it? Well we don't fucking care. Yes we're in a relationship, actually we're getting married soon that's why we do Honeymoon early, and that's scandal y'all barking about it's a honeymoon. Why? Didn't y'all fuck with your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband,wife or prostitute in the bar?Tch. stay in all of your lane before I take an action that make y'all regret for the rest of all your lives. That's all you can fucking get out on my lawn."

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