Part 14

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Chapter 14

" I hope it is but it's not "

Yoongi said frustratedly while massaging his temple.

" I'm going to report this and trace where this message came from."

Namjoon said while reading all the text.

" No don't,maybe right now she know where I live, she can trace us first that insane girl has many connection, we don't know when she will come we just need to be ready. When she come I'll try to entertain her then go call a police okay?"

Yoongi said seriously.

" Okay okay... But how about Jimin?"

Namjoon asked Yoongi worriedly.

" You know when she see Jimin she's not going to think twice to do something stupid what he did to our Girl best friend Y/n..."

Namjoon said sadly.

" Yeah...Y/n..."

Min Yoongi and Yolisha Lim are a famous couple when they're in highschool.

They suit in each other perfectly.

Yoongi is a cold cool rich guy while Yolisha is a famous cute bubbly girl.

Yolisha court Yoongi because she really like Yoongi so much, after months of courting Yoongi, he finally answer Yes!.

At first their relationship is just perfect and full of love but year passed Yolisha's attitude change.

She became short tempered,insecurity and jealousy flowed over her body when Y/n came.

Y/n is a close childhood friend of Yoongi and Namjoon.

Y/n and Yoongi are really close to the point that some people think that their are in a relationship that make Yolisha pretty insane.

One day Yolisha really lost her mind, She always rant and bully Y/n. She do something stupid to make Y/n suffer.

Yoongi heard that news that cause a big fight between the couple.

Yoongi don't know what to do to Yolisha anymore that's why he decide to break up with her and protect Y/n.

Yolisha can't accept the fact that she and Yoongi is not in a relationship anymore.

She literally lost her mind.

She invite Y/n to her house to apologise, Y/n is a soft hearted girl she really thought that Yolisha will apologize to her and they can be friends but she's wrong.

Yolisha lied and poisoned Y/n.

When Yoongi heard Y/n's friends talking about Y/n going to Yolisha's house.

Yoongi came to Yolisha's house as fast as possible but it's to late.

He saw a lifeless Y/n laying on the ground and a grinning Yolisha.

End of flashback
" We need to hide Jimin before he ended up as the same fate as Y/n."

Yoongi said trying not to panic.

" Don't worry this house is big enough, before Yolisha could find Jimin ,the police find her first."

Namjoon said tapping Yoongi's back.

" Don't worry everything will be alright. Now now you and Jimin is not in a good term right? Go and do what you need to do."

Namjoon said before going out.

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