Part 17

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Chapter 17

Yoongi growl in annoyance when they planned to go in a amusement park.

Jimin knows he hate over populated places.

Jimin and Taehyung is jumping like a kid in excitement while Jungkook is just looking around.

" Let's ride that first!"

Taehyung shout while pointing at the roller coaster.

" No let's ride that first!!"

Jimin said pointing at the Vikings.

The two boys argue what ride there going to rode first.

Yoongi just face palm and shake his head.

Jungkook laugh trying to stop the two boy.

" Hey guys relax...What about let's eat first?"

Jungkook asked that make Jimin and Taehyung beamed in excitement.

"Sure let's eat!"

They both said in unison while walking together holding their hands.

"Wow why did I came here again?"

Yoongi asked himself while frowning.

The three boys enter the nearest cafe while Yoongi is still walking lazily behind them.

" Excuse me! "

He heard a girl called him while tugging his shirt.

He looked at the girl irritatedly.

" What? "

He asked.

" You're Min Yoongi right! I'm one of your fans! I just want to asked you if we can take a picture together!"

The girl said exitedly.

Yoongi looked at the girl from head to toe.

She's wearing a black bucket hat with a black face mask, a plain white t-shirt partnered with a black tennis skirt.

She's the typical girl he wants and she's seemed familiar.

Yoongi nod his head in approval the girl take her phone in his pocket and put his arm in the air finding a perfect angle for them.

" This will do 1 2 3 Kumamon!!"

The girl shout and do a peace sign before taking a picture of them.

Yoongi eyes widened at the picture.

Kumamon is his favorite doll no one know about it, even Namjoon and Jimin don't know about it but this girl...

" Thank you Yoongi oppa!"

The girl said before running away leaving a confused Yoongi behind.

Her style.
Her voice.
Her posture.

It's so familiar..

Yoongi said in his mind.

" Hey Yoongi! Do you change your mind and want to go home?"

Jimin shout at him that snap him out of his thoughts.

" Huh? Of course no."

Yoongi said and entered the cafe Jimin following him behind.

" Hey guys here! "

Taehyung shout at them that caught anyone attention while waving.

" Is that friend of yours is always loud as fuck?"

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