Part 6

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" Don't do anything stupid huh? "

Yoongi walk back in his room to get his phone and speakers , he run downstairs and put the Bluetooth speaker in Jimin's ear.

He search the news last day when the reporters are so loud asking bombarding Jimin with questions about the scandal.

" Sir? Is the scandal,is true?, Sir did you really fuck last night,Sir did you enjoyed it?, Sir are the both of you is in a relationship, Sir!"

Yoongi played it and sit in front of Jimin.

Jimin shiver and panicked getting up quickly ready to run but he lost his balance and fall in the couch.


Jimin shout curling like a ball while hiding his face.

Yoongi try to hold his laughter but he burst out.


Jimin slowly gets what's happening and look around while Yoongi is still laughing his ass out.


Yoongi manage to say a word still laughing out loud while pointing at Jimin.

Jimin looked down and wipe his tear's.

" Good morning princess HAHAHAHA"

Yoongi said greeting Jimin.

" G-good morning too.."

Jimin bite his inside cheek to prevent his self from crying and manage to smile at Yoongi.

Yoongi wiped his tear's of joy and try to be serious again.

" So you and your manager is staying here for a while right?"

Yoongi asked.

" Y-yes."

Jimin said still looking down.

" If you want to stay here in my house you need to FOLLOW my orders."

Yoongi said emphasizing the word follow.

" S-sure.."

Jimin said unsure about his answer.

" So it's a deal then..Go make me a breakfast and a coffee."

Yoongi said sassily.

" O-okay "

Jimin stand up and walked through the kitchen.
" Here's your food."

Jimin said ang place the food on the side table before excusing his self.

Yoongi ate the pancake first and drink the coffee.

He was impressed when the food and the coffee taste delicious.

" How can he cooked so delicious when he's a famous busy rich human..I mean he's a busy person and no time for this cooking shit. I didn't even know how to make coffee.. but that boy how did he..."

Yoongi shrugged his thought of and eat his food, for the first time he have an appetite to eat.
Jimin washed his face and think about going home cause he don't want to stay in this house anymore with Yoongi.

" Slave!! "

He heard Yoongi shout across the room he ran and walked towards Yoongi.

" Do you call me? "

Jimin asked.

" Yes Cinderella I call you."

Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

" Do you want me to make you a pancake for the 5th time? "

Jimin asked he received a glare from Yoongi and bow his head.

" Why you don't want to make a pancakes anymore? Okay fine you just can leave out of my house and get killed by my fans."

Yoongi said faking worried about Jimin.

" I-its n-not w-what I m-mean..okay I'll make some pancakes again."

Jimin said stuttering.

" No I'm not in the mood to eat anymore go and wash the dishes."

Yoongi said getting up on the couch.

" O-okay.."

Jimin answer while cleaning the table.

" and after you wash the dishes go to the garden and water the plants and pick up some ugly weed's like you."

Yoongi said before walking upstairs and slamming his door.

Jimin sigh and walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

After half of an hour he's finally done.

" Grrhmm "

He heard his stomach growl.

" I'm hungry.."

He murmured and open the fridge.

" What are you doing?"

Jimin almost had a heart attack when he heard Yoongi's voice.

" I-im just going to drink some cold water."

Jimin said and get a bottle of water in fridge and drink it all.

" So I see your done washing the dishes let me take you to the garden so you can water the plants and pick some weeds."

Yoongi said and walked through the garden Jimin following him behind.

Jimin jaw almost drop when he saw Yoongi's garden it's so big how can he all water the plants all by himself.

" Clean my garden and make it good as new. "

Yoongi said before leaving Jimin behind.

" B-but..."

Jimin flop himself on the grass and sigh.

" I can do this. I can do whatever he want me to do fighting!."

He positively said and smile.

He start watering the plants and picking up the garbage, he clean the moldy fountain and organize the garden.

He finished when the sun is setting down.

He laid on a ground and watch the sun set.

" Agh..I'm so so so so very very veryyyyy exhausted, this is the first time for straight 6 years."

He smile before closing his eyes and sleep because of tiredness without knowing that something is approaching him.
Yoongi woke up when his phone rings.

he answered the phone call when he saw that it's from Namjoon.

" Hello? "

He said in a sleepy voice.

"Hello Yoongi my dear friend I just want to say that me and Jin is not going home for one week because we're investigating something important so be nice to Jimin until we come back goodbye"

Namjoon hang up immediately before Yoongi say a word.

"Wow nice now I'm stuck with this kid for one week aghh why can I just live my life alone"

He groan and throw his phone.

He suddenly jumped out of his bed when he remembered that Jimin is in the garden alone.

" Oh shit my dogs! "

He said panicking.

" What if my dogs attack Jimin and eat him alive?!"

Yoongi shrugged his thought and Run out of his room almost falling on the stairs.


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