Part 8

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Yoongi lost his mind all he want to do is to kiss Jimin.

He want to feel Jimin's soft lips colliding with his lips again.

Yoongi look at Jimin's innocent eyes he leaned forward ready to kiss Jimin.

" ARF! ARF! ARF! "

The brown dog bark in anger.

That make Yoongi back in his sense. He pull his hand around Jimin's body that make the younger fell on the floor.

" Aww.."

Jimin groan touching his butt.

Yoongi look at Jimin worriedly he don't know what to do is he going to say sorry or nah.

" Stop being clumsy tch the dinner is ready."

Yoongi said before walking away leaving Jimin behind.

" He's so moody.. just a minute ago the way he look at me and hold my body feels like I'm special to him but now he's being grumpy again."

Jimin said frowning following Yoongi.

Yoongi sit at the first chair while Jimin sit at the last chair.

They are sitting far away from each other while eating silently.

Yoongi stare at Jimin while Jimin is busy eating.

" How can he be so tiny when he eat so much food."

Yoongi asked himself and smile a little before eating his food.


" Ahhh I'm full.."

Jimin said tapping his bloated tummy.

He looked at Yoongi ang caught it staring at him before looking away.

He just ignore it and walked through the kitchen to placed his plate on the sink.

When he's going to start washing the dishes he suddenly remembered about his phone and run towards the door direction.

When he's opening the door ready to go outside a pair of arm cornered him to the door.

" Where do you think your going? "

Yoongi said in stern voice.

" I- "

Jimin got cut off when Yoongi talk again.

" Are you pissed off because I dropped you on the floor so you decide to leave this house?"

Yoongi asked Jimin

" No I'm just- "

Yoongi cut him off again

" Or because I let you clean the garden on your own? No? Why because I make you exhausted and starve to death? Answer me!"

Yoongi shout and punch the door that make Jimin flinched.

" H-how can I answer you If your cutting my sentence off? I'm not leaving.. I just told you earlier I don't have anywhere to go. I'm just going to get my phone in my car.."

Jimin said in a shaky voice he's kinda scared.

Yoongi Don't know how to react he just turn his back and leave without saying a word.

" What's wrong with him.."

Jimin said and sigh he walked out the house and enter his Car.

He saw 5 missed call from hoseok and a 25 missed call from Jin and 49 missed call from Taehyung.

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