Part 4

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Jin saw Jimin spacing out at the living room that make him worried.

He sit beside Jimin and tap the youngers shoulder.

Jimin snap out in reality and looked at Jin, a little bit shocked.

" Hyung.. how long have you been here?"

Jimin said forcing a smile.

" Jimin...Look I know that this is hard for you but don't think to much okay? Everything will be alright soon."

Jin said trying to cheer up Jimin.

" Thank you hyung."

Jimin said before pulling Jin into a hug.

" Dinner is ready! "

Namjoon shout. Jin and Jimin look at each other then smile before running into the dining area.

" Wow! Do we have a celebration or what there's so many food!!"

Jimin said almost drooling while looking at the food.

" That's just a normal dinner. "

Namjoon said scratching the back of his neck.

" Yes, Jimin is rich but he's not arrogant he appreciates small things and that's how he react when he saw too much for him."

Jin whispered on Namjoon.

" OooOooh you're so lucky to have him"

Namjoon replied and they both chuckle.

Jimin and Jin sit beside each other while Namjoon is in front of Jin.

" Thanks for the food! "

Jimin said before eating that make the two older male laugh.

" Here eat this!!"

Namjoon said while putting a steak in Jimin's plate.

" Here eat this too."

Jin said putting a salad on Jimin's plate.

" Okay thank you Mom and Dad."

Jimin said jokingly and they laughed.

The three male is eating like a happy family.

But when Yoongi come and sit beside Namjoon they all went silent.

Jimin and Jin eat awkwardly while
Namjoon is just looking at Yoongi while grinning.

" What? "

Yoongi asked in annoyance.

" Nothing this is the first time I see you eating in this house with new people."

Namjoon said proudly.

" Then? you don't want to see me eat here?"

Yoongi mis understood what Namjoon mean and the two start bickering that make Jin and Jimin laugh and less awkward.

Yoongi saw Jimin smiling and he just grin when a evil thought pop in his mind.

" So.. Mr. Manager what do you want to talk about earlier again?"

Yoongi asked that make Jin stop eating.

" I think this is not the right time to talk about it."

Jin said while looking at Namjoon.

" I think it is. "

Yoongi answer back while faking a smile.

" What about we just talk about it later when we're done eating. "

Jin said , Namjoon agree with him while Jimin is looking at them confused.

" What about now?After this I'm going to sleep and you don't have a chance to ask me anymore ever again."

Yoongi said while eating his food.

" Okay?.. "

Jin said and put down his spoon and fork.

" Go on asked me while I'm in my mood to answer."

Yoongi said giving Jin a resting bitch face.

The aura on the room become intense.

" How did the both of you end up together?"

Jin spit out that make Jimin stop eating and looked at Jin and Yoongi.

" Well... I can't remember clearly but all I know is Jimin's voice is nicer when he moan my name than singing."

Yoongi said while looking at Jimin.

Jin clenched his fist in anger cuz he think Yoongi is planning something.

" And? Can you tell us more in detailed. "

Jin asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

Namjoon gulp because of the intense sensation in the room.

" In detailed? Well.."

Yoongi look at Jimin's lips.

"Jimin's lips is softer than i think and the way he moved above me is so damn nice he's a good bottom and- "

Yoongi got cut off when Jimin stand up gaining anyone's attention.

" I-i lost my appetite can I ask where is the guest room. "

Jimin said looking down that make Yoongi smirk, his plan worked.

" Sure just go upstairs and enter the 2nd to the last Door of the first hallway. "

Yoongi said casually.

Jimin bow and thanked them for the food before excusing his self out.

Yoongi stand up boredly and walk out of the room leaving Jin and Namjoon behind.

" That brat he planned it to humiliate Jimin."

Jin hissed while clenching his fist.

" I'm sorry , he's not really that bad we just need more time.. he will help us soon.."

Namjoon said while looking at Yoongi who's walking upstairs

" I guess so.."

Namjoon said trying to calm Jin.

" Well I hope that friend of yours help us as soon as possible before my patience run out and kill him with my bare hand."

Jin said stabbing his food.
Jimin enter the 2nd to the last room of the first hallway and flop his small body on the bed.

" Did I really fvck with him last night.."

Jimin said frustratedly while trying to remember what really happened last night.

He rolled over the bed while pulling his hair and he stopped when he smelled something familiar.

" This scent.."

Jimin stand out of the bed and turn on the light while scanning the surroundings.

" This scent is so familiar to me.."

Jimin gasp when he remember earlier when Yoongi rest his head on his shoulder and last night when he sleep beside the boy.

" This is Yoongi's scent and this is not the guest room- "

Jimin got cut off when Yoongi slam the door and locked it before turning off the lights.

" You're in my room sweet cheeks."

Yoongi said smirking.

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