Part 5

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" You're in my room sweet cheeks. "

Yoongi said grinning walking towards Jimin's direction.

" B-but you said second to the last room.."

Jimin nervously said while walking backwards.

" Oh did I? My bad.."

Yoongi shrugged his shoulder and pushed Jimin in bed while his on top of him holdings the younger's hand above his head so it can't escape.

" L-let me go! "

Jimin said wiggling his body, Yoongi put his knee in the middle of Jimin's thigh that make Jimin stop moving.

" W-what d-do you think your doing.."

Jimin stutter , Yoongi didn't answer and leaned towards Jimin neck , Jimin just shut his eye.

" Yoongi?"

A knocked on the door gain's Yoongi's attention, Jimin take the chance and pushed Yoongi.

Jimin ran to the door and opened it immediately, he saw Namjoon looking at him confused, Jimin manage to bow at Namjoon even his body is trembling before running out.

" Yoongi what did you do? His face is so red and his small body is trembling."

Namjoon asked Yoongi while entering the room.

Yoongi just frown at him.

" Yah Namjoon I'm still playing with him."

Yoongi said flopping his self on the bed.

" He's to innocent for your dirty games."

Namjoon said crossing his arm's.

" Tch. He looks cute tho when his panicking."

Yoongi mumbled.

" What?"

Namjoon asked because he didn't hear it clearly.

" Nevermind! By the way why are you here? interrupting my play time."

Yoongi said glaring at Namjoon.

" I'm here to ask you what happened last night, how did you end up with Jimin? Do you planned it? Why are you teasing Jimin? Wait do you like Jimin?"

Namjoon said bombarding Yoongi with his questions.

" Tch. What are you a reporter? I didn't know how we end up together and I didn't planned it either duh how can you accused me without evidence."

Yoongi said rolling his eyes and bury his face into a pillow.

" You're attitude is a evidence, how you treat Jimin it's looks like you enjoy what happened last night."

Namjoon said smirking.

" Well of course- NOT! "

Yoongi denied but the truth is he enjoyed it a little not a little he enjoyed it A LOT!

" Then why are teasing Jimin huh?"

Namjoon asked and sit in Yoongi's bed.

" I'm just bored okay and how many times do I have to tell you that I have boyfriend."

Yoongi said while hugging his pillow.

" Again with that imaginary boyfriend of yours, I didn't even saw who the hell is that guy and you haven't introduce him to me."

Namjoon said teasing Yoongi.

" We're in a private relationship okay! No need to tell anyone about us."

Yoongi groan in annoyance.

" You don't have a evidence too that you have a boyfriend sooooo still I'm accusing you."

Namjoon laugh.

" Stop accusing me! I'm just playing it cool even my career is ruined too."

Yoongi said and grab his phone surfing on social media.

" Okay I'll stop in one condition."

Namjoon said nudging Yoongi's shoulder.

" What is it."

Yoongi asked not minding to look at Namjoon.

" Let me sleep here, I let Jin and Jimin stay here for a while and I give my room to Jin so yeah.."

Namjoon explain while scratching the back of his neck.

" Sure. Sleep on the floor. "

Yoongi short replied.
Jimin run out of the room with a red face and a trembling body.

" My heart... It's beating so's feels like I'm going to have attack soon I guess need to go to the hospital for checks up."

Jimin talked to himself.

Jimin never fall inlove before.

Yoongi's gaze is giving him a weird feeling's he never felt before.

Jimin shrugged his thoughts and laid on the couch in the living room.

He don't know where the guest room, he don't know where's Jin, all the maid are gone and he left his phone on his car.

He don't want to bother and knock on Yoongi's room just to ask where is the guest room at.

He have no choice to sleep on a uncomfortable couch.

He slowly close his eyes and fall asleep.
Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat.

He open his mini fridge to get some water but he saw nothing.

" Great."

Yoongi lazily walked downstairs and stop in his track when he saw Jimin sleeping on the couch uncomfortably.

He almost forgot about the water and just stand there staring at Jimin , admiring the younger's beauty.

" Oh shit I almost forgot my water."

He hit his head and walk through the kitchen and drink some.

He run upstairs and pulled his blanket on Namjoon's body then run downstairs again and tucked Jimin on the couch using his blanket.

" Holy swag. What the hell am I doing..I don't care if he catch cold or whatever."

He said leaving Jimin with a messy blanket.

Minutes later he run downstairs and fixed Jimin's blanket before going to bed.
Yoongi woke up when someone slam his door.

He looked at Namjoon waving his hand with a peace sign before going out.

" this dummy aishh"

He said ang mess his hair and stop when he see a letter beside him.

" Hello my dear friend! Me and Jin is going out today for some private business so be friendly with Jimin don't do anything stupid.

Namjoon. "

Yoongi hissed at Namjoon's Letter and throw it in the trash can.

" Private business my ass your just going to fuck Jin out."

Yoongi said and rolled his eyes he walked out in his room and peeked Jimin.

Jimin is still sleeping downstairs.

" don't do anything stupid huh? "

He said smirking while looking at the sleeping boy.


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