Part 13

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Chapter 13

After that morning Yoongi became cold, he's not always on his house.

He never talk to Jimin again , if ever they saw each other Yoongi just look at him with plain look before walking away.

Jimin try his best to approach Yoongi and asked him what is wrong but Yoongi ignore him like he doesn't exist.

Jimin's heart broke into pieces... He thought that they will be closer after that night but he's wrong...He cried every night while asking himself what's wrong with him. Did he do something wrong that make Yoongi hate him so much.

One week past Yoongi is still ignoring Jimin that make Jimin really sad.

" We're home!"

Namjoon shout when he opened the door but he saw no one.

Jin quickly look around and open every room to find Jimin.

He opened the room next to Yoongi and saw Jimin laying there with a puffy eyes... Jimin became thinner than last time he saw the younger.

Jimin's chubby cheeks are now gone...

" Jiminiee~ Jin hyung is here! Get up let's have a breakfast.."

Jin said poking Jimin's small body.

Jimin slowly open his eyes and it becomes watery when he saw Jin.

" J-jin hyung! "

He exclaimed hugging the older male while crying.

" What's wrong Jiminie?"

Jin asked worriedly while stroking Jimin's hair.

" I...just missed you hyung.."

Jimin hesitate to tell Jin what happened when they're gone.

" Aww I miss you too... Did you cried all night? Your eyes are puffy. What happen? Did Yoongi do something to you? Your thinner than last time. Did that brat don't let you eat?"

Jin said while wiping Jimin's tear.

" No hyung he's really kind! I just missed you and tae and kookie and sunshine hyung that's why I cried all night and lost my appetite that make me sexier hehehe"

Jimin said jokingly while faking a smile.

" Sexier my foot you looked like a thin puppy! Go and washed your face I'll cook some breakfast for you."

Jin said pulling Jimin out of the bed.

" 5 more minutes hyung~ I don't really want to get up.."

Jimin said lazily.

" Okay...but Still I'll make you some breakfast in bed eat it okay?!"

Jin said punching Jimin's shoulder jokingly.

" Okay hyung even your dishes taste bad I'll eat it."

Jimin said teasing the older before hiding under his blanket.

" Why you little punk...just wait for it I'll make the best dish ever that make you drool."

Jin said before walking out the room.

Jin sighed he know that Jimin have a big problem that he don't want to talk about but he have a feeling that Yoongi is jimin's problem.

Yoongi's door open.

Jin saw the pale man with a bothered expression.

Jin walked in Yoongi's direction and Tap his shoulder.

" Can we talk? It won't be long..."

Jin said sincerely.

Yoongi just nod in approval.

Jin smile at Yoongi and signaled him to follow him.

Jin stop in a empty room and face Yoongi.

" Looked..."

Jin said smiling sadly at Yoongi.

" I know you don't like Jimin but please be kind to him. I don't know what happened to the both of you while we're gone that make Jimin cry all night and lost his appetite...but Believe me he doesn't deserve this situation...Jimin is a kind,hard working, fragile kid. He's to soft for this scandal shit! when you just accidentally shout at him he will cry. He doesn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth he came in a poor family. His step father kicked him out in his home when he was 16 years old, he worked hard to pursue his dreams alone but now it's all please be kind to him...he suffer enough in his past."

Jin said sadly trying not to cry in front of Yoongi.

He tapped Yoongi's shoulder before walking away.

Yoongi felt guilty for ignoring and hurting Jimin.

Yoongi called Namjoon and tell him to come in his room.
" So what's the emergency?"

Namjoon said while nudging Yoongi's chest jokingly.

" Stop nudging me this is not a joke. She's now fucking out! wandering around freely! That crazy woman is out and stalking me again if she find out where I live Jimin's life will be in danger!"

Yoongi shout at Namjoon.

" Who? your insane ex-girlfriend?"

Namjoon said while laughing his ass out.

" Yes and I'm serious. I'm receiving a non-stop text from her since last week!"

Yoongi said before throwing his phone at Namjoon's face.

" Aw.."

Namjoon hissed in pain before reading Yoongi's message.

His eyes widened and shiver in fear when he read the text.

" Darling! How can you do this to me :< I'm just gone for 5 years and now you're a gay?! I can't accept this I'm coming darling don't worry nothing can separate us! until death do us apart. You Know what I can do right? Broke up him or I'll kill that little boyfriend of yours named Park Jimin? So we can live happily ever after!! I love you! I missed you and I'm going to come and get you."

" This is a joke right?"

Namjoon said nervously.

" I hope it is but it's not."


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