Part 19

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Chapter 19

" Taehyung? Taehyung! What happened?"

Jin run out on Yoongi's car when he saw Taehyung laying on the ground and a maid trying to shout for help.

Namjoon and Yoongi get out on the car too.

" What happened?"

Namjoon asked the maid.

" I don't know sir...i just saw him laying on the ground while I'm opening the gate.

The maid said
Namjoon nod and they all carry Taehyung and laid him in the couch.

" Can you please get a towel and a warm water."

Jin asked politely.

The maid nod and followed what Jin said, she get a towel and a warm water then gave it to Jin.

" Jimin is not here."

Yoongi said panting after running around Taehyung's house to find Jimin.

" Maybe... Yolisha have something to do with this..."

Namjoon said putting his hand under his chin while thinking.

" Yolisha? Who's that? And what's happening? We can't find Jimin everywhere and Taehyung have a bruise on his stomach!"

Jin pulled up Taehyung's shirt so they can saw what he's talking about.

" Can you two tell me something so I can understand what's freaking happening right now."

Jin said angrily while glaring at the two male.

Namjoon sigh and sit beside Jin.

Namjoon tell Jin the whole story, Yolisha is insane, Hoseok is Yoongi's boyfriend who got kidnapped by Yolisha, Yoongi and Jimin fight and maybe Jimin got kidnapped too.

Jin almost passed out when he heard what Namjoon said.

" Maybe that Yolisha bitch set up Jimin and Yoongi that night and planned all this things!"

Jin growl in anger.

" N-no actually I have a confession to the both of you."

Namjoon said gulping nervously while looking at Yoongi and Jin.

" I'm the one who set them up..."

Namjoon confess.

" WHAT?!"

Yoongi and Jin shout in unison.

" It's not like that! I'm the one who gave them a hard drink that day so the two of them got wasted...I just want to put Yoongi in a relationship...but I don't know how they end up in a hotel together! And how that scandal recorded! So I'll try my best to help Jin to trace the link...I'm sorry!"

Namjoon said apologizing to Jin and Yoongi.

Yoongi and Jin can't believe that Namjoon is the one who set them up.

" Namjoon...How could you...I trusted you..."

Jin sigh in disappoinment.

Yoongi just look at Namjoon and shake his head.

" I'm sorry Jin... Yoongi... please forgive me..."

Namjoon said kneeling down in front of them.

" It's okay. We can't change what happened. Do we? We just need to figure out who recorded us and where is Jimin and Hoseok."

Yoongi said in serious tone.

" Ughhh.."

Taehyung groan in pain and try to sit but he can't his stomach is stinging so bad.

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