03 - Givenchy

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Taehyun has two stable part-time jobs. They are both under the week because he usually needs his weekend for the parties. The clubs are open 7 days a week of course, but Taehyun can't manage to pay for drinks every night. He'd need to drop his studies for that, but that would mean losing a part of his "followers".

Sometimes people ask him why he doesn't go to any clubs during the week. Taehyun has the perfect excuse for that: he must use the time to do assignments or learn for exams.

No one doubts that answer because he is the best student the college has ever seen, though in reality he can't go because he has to work, so that he will be able to pay for his 'friends' on the weekend.

It's an endless circle of making money and burning it - with his college studies squeezed in between. It is tiring but also fulfilling at the same time. Taehyun doesn't mind making sacrifices to get the spotlight.

When the money is getting tight, he must find another part-time job or get money on other ways, but the jobs he can do are limited. He can't do anything that would expose him to a lot of people. Taehyun has the looks, but he doesn't dare to model.

His 'friends' could get curious and sniff around. Of course, he could say it's just a hobby, but he still doesn't want to risk it. He has built an image of himself as the rich boy with good upbringing - he doesn't want to ruin that.

Jobs as waiters are also impossible since someone, he 'knows' could come inside and spot him. How could he explain that? Hardly. So Taehyun must work more in the background.

He has a job as a cook at one restaurant and it usually starts in the afternoon until late. His job during daytime is similar, but it's at a bakery. He loves that job because that was the only thing his mother ever taught him: baking. Taehyun likes decorating cupcakes or other small pastries with detailed and clever designs.

He is never too tired for the job, although it starts early in the morning. It's the only thing in his life that he does because he wants to do it. Of course, he does it for the payment too, but he likes baking, nevertheless.

Sometimes he opens the door a bit to peek into the sales area in the front of the shop. It's a small café and people are sitting everywhere, enjoying the pastries he made. He observes them quietly, waiting to see a smile or another positive sign. Those little reactions make his day and they keep him going.

Like every morning, he starts his work at the bakery at 6 a.m. with a smile on his lips to hide the sorrow he felt and enough BB cream on his skin to hide the bags under his eyes. His boss greets him cheerfully. She's around the age his mother would be right now and sometimes she acts like a mother to him.

Taehyun has a lot of fake people around him, but she is not one of them. She doesn't know the fake life he is leading, and she certainly knows that he is in need for money.

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