23 - Withyou

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Beomgyu is of course not forgotten. He's on Taehyun's mind every single day. Taehyun wants to meet him and talk to him, but he waits and waits, because he wants to be worthy of him first. Mijoo told him he's worthy, but Taehyun doesn't feel like it yet.

He dares to walk around the area of the other café sometimes, the place where Huening and Beomgyu work. Taehyun never gets too close, especially when Huening is working his shift. The thin boy can shoot quite a menacing glare.

One of the days, he spots Beomgyu on the sidewalk in front of the café. He is not alone. Dongjoo is by his side and the two of them look so happy together, smiling and laughing, that Taehyun is close to giving up on everything and turning his back to Beomgyu forever.

He holds his breath as the taller man cups Beomgyu's face, obviously to kiss him, but it never happens. Beomgyu pulls back before he can get any further and pushes Dongjoo's hand away slowly. It's a small gesture, but it gives Taehyun the hope he needs.

He watches them arguing for a moment, but Beomgyu only shakes his head to whatever Dongjoo says and walks into the café. Dongjoo grabs his hair in despair and then climbs into his expensive car again, before driving off.

Taehyun can't help a relieved smile from forming on his lips. He was close to giving up, because if Beomgyu is happy with Dongjoo, then he is not going to interfere with that. But they don't seem to be together and a tiny part of Taehyun hopes that it's because of him - because Beomgyu is still waiting for him.


The music is so loud that everything in the room vibrates from the sound waves. The crowd is moving along with the song, everyone standing close to each other, sweaty body against sweaty body. Some people sing along, but their voices get drowned by the music played on stage.

It's similar to the crowd in the club, but people here are not just looking for balance. They are giving each other balance, sharing the excitement and enjoying the music together. They are strangers and yet not the same kind as in the club.

The music connects them, making them one big entity until the music stops. They share a common love and it binds them together for this short while. There is no danger and nothing to run from. The crowd is no escape - it's a home.

Taehyun is in the middle of it all, trying his best not to drown between all the moving bodies. Some give him annoyed looks as he moves through the crowd, trying to find the person he is looking for. It's hard to recognize any faces though.

The concert hall is dark mostly, except for the light coming from the stage. The crowd rejoices as the song ends. He's been trying to find Beomgyu since the start of the concert, but it seems hopeless so far. There are too many people.

Waiting For You | Taegyu ✓Where stories live. Discover now