12 - Past

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Beomgyu snaps out of his trance. He looks at him questioningly for a moment, but then he puts down the flowers and the ticket with a short smile that seems almost apologetic. "Sorry for that. He keeps doing that."

"You didn't answer my question." He says and Taehyun is surprised for a moment by how cold his own voice sounds. He wants to slap himself for using such a tone towards Beomgyu.

The older man blinks in surprise, but then he starts to laugh. Taehyun feels the warmth creep into his face. "Do you want me to reject his offer?"

"Yes." He blurts out and feels satisfied when Beomgyu blushes and averts his gaze.

"I think you should go to the concert with him, hyung." Another voice suddenly speaks and Taehyun finds the waiter at their table again. Beomgyu's roommate.

"Dongjoo's stalker behavior can be creepy, but I trust him more than this bum."

Taehyun narrows his eyes at the younger. "Bum?!"

"Kai, please..."

"No, hyung! You can't wait here forever! Sitting here and staring out of the window is not going to change anything! Start a new life with Dongjoo! Why are you still stuck in the past? Stop waiting for him!" Huening shouts at him, apparently not caring about the other customers who glance their way.

A look of hurt flashes over Beomgyu's face. Taehyun can't deny that he is curious about the meaning of the waiter's words.

Who is Beomgyu waiting for?

Why is he stuck in the past?

Hadn't he let go of it when his parents died? "I'm not stuck! I'm meeting people! Why are you so fixated on Dongjoo? You don't know Taehyun."

Beomgyu looks over to him, but Huening just snorts. "I don't trust this guy! He's going to hurt you, hyung!"

"Hey, I'm sitting right here!" Taehyun protests, a little angry over the treatment, even if it seems to hit right where it hurts - because it's true.

"I won't hurt him. Besides, I think he's old enough to decide who he meets."

Huening sends him a feisty glare. "Shut up! You don't know a thing!"

"Huening Kai!" Beomgyu's shout rings through the small café. "How are you treating a customer? Boss will fire you if he catches you being rude to him and shouting. Go back to work. We will talk later."

The waiter opens his mouth, but then closes it again and takes off with a pout on his lips, mumbling something about how good Dongjoo would be for Beomgyu even if he is rich.

Taehyun rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry again, Taehyun. He's a little overprotective. Please don't be mad at him."

He smiles and shakes his head, although he is mad at Huening. "No, it's okay. You have a good friend."

"Our date got ruined." Beomgyu laughs shortly and Taehyun grins at him.

"So this was a date?"

The older man stares at him with wide eyes. "I-well-I thought this-Do you not want it to be a date?"

Taehyun reaches over to clasp Beomgyu's hand in his, enjoying the short yelp of surprise from the black-haired man. He squeezed the soft hand. "Of course, it's a date. I'm lucky to have the chance to drink hot chocolate with the cutest guy in town."

The other man tries to hide his flustered expression behind his free hand. "You're exaggerating. Do you think that kind of flirting is effective?"

"So far it seems to work quite well, but maybe my attractive looks add to it." Taehyun chuckles.

Beomgyu glances at him through the gap in his fingers. "There's something about you, Taehyun. Something that feels familiar. I feel like we have met somewhere before La' Creme."

"Now you are flirting with me. That's a pretty old line though." He retorts teasingly, but Taehyun is sweating and panicking inside. Beomgyu's words make him scared that the other might be getting closer to the truth.

The chance seems low, since their contact as children had been very limited and one-sided. He wonders what Beomgyu thought on the day years ago, when Taehyun didn't appear at the café. Was he disappointed? Mad?

"I wasn't flirting with you. I meant it!" He moves to pull his hand away, seemingly a little angry over his comment, but Taehyun holds onto the smaller hand.

He looks up at the older man with pleading eyes. "Don't go. I'm sorry for teasing you."

Beomgyu laughs shortly. "I'm not mad, Taehyun. I'm sorry. I actually have to start my shift now."

"Oh..." Taehyun can't quite hide his disappointment about the news. He hoped to have more time with the other, but of course Beomgyu has a life and a job too.

The black-haired man laughs again and gives his hand a short squeeze. "You are not very good at hiding your emotions, are you?"

Actually, I'm an expert at it. But you, my mask is not working around you. It slips and breaks with every minute we are together.

Taehyun smiles weakly. "Does it bother you?"

Beomgyu returns the smile. "No, not at all. It's kind of cute."

Taehyun feels his cheeks heat up and he wrecks his brain for a fitting reply, but can't seem to find any. "I can't seem to control myself when I'm around you."

It's the truth, so the words fall from his lips without a problem. Their eyes meet again and Taehyun wants nothing more than to pull him in for a kiss.

Beomgyu is wonderful, caring, beautiful and still the very light of his existence.

He wants to lock him up somewhere and keep him only for him to see, away from people like Dongjoo that want to steal his sun.

Around Beomgyu he feels like that kid from high school again that had a dream and a love.


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