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The day of his confession arrives. Taehyun is nervous as hell. He hasn't slept a wink that night. He kept playing scenarios in his head - ranging from sweet endings where he succeeds to Beomgyu rejecting him for being a disgusting fag.

He fishes out the best clothes he has. There are no brand names like the stuff rich boys wear, but that doesn't lower his confidence. He won't lose to anyone when it comes to his love for Beomgyu and that is the most important in his eyes.

He steps out of his room and runs towards the front door to put on his shoes. Taehyun puts on his coat as well and grabs an umbrella.

"Taehyun, where are you going?" His mother asks. "Come here please."

The boy curses and walks over to the living room where she is sitting. "What?"

She sighs. "It's raining like crazy. Where are you going?"

"Just going out with a friend, you know those people who I used to go to school with." He retorts with bitterness in his voice.

His mother looks hurt for a moment. She opens her mouth to speak but the phone rings. "Don't you dare leave, we are not done yet."

He rolls his eyes as she answers the phone. "Yes?....W-What?...I don't understand...Didn't you say he is on top of the list? Why is he getting pushed back now?...You know he needs it as fast as possible!...Who is it? Who took his spot?!...How much did he pay you?! You promised me, Dr. Kim!...I won't calm down! I'm coming to the hospital right now!"

She hangs up and jumps out of her seat. Taehyun looks at her questioningly. "What happened?"

"Someone stole your dad's spot for the liver transplant. I won't accept this. We're going to the hospital, Taehyun." His mother walks past him to grab her things.

Taehyun shakes his head. "I'm not going with you! I have my own plans."

She turns around and glares at him. "Taehyun! He's your father!"

"He's not my father! He can die all I care!" He bursts out and storms out of the door.

His mother calls after him, but the boy doesn't stop. He just opens the umbrella to at least protect himself from most of the rain.

I don't care about him! Beomgyu is more important than that lazy guy! Taehyun races down the streets towards their meeting point. He's already late and he won't miss this chance because of his so-called father.

Taehyun can already see the café he asked Beomgyu to wait at. He's glad he didn't choose a park or something else open as the meeting point, because the rain would've ruined that.

The boy is so concentrated that he doesn't notice the guys waiting for him in one of the alleys. Hands suddenly grab him by the arm and yank him into the alley.

Taehyun gasps and drops the umbrella in surprise. He looks up and finds himself surrounded by five guys. He recognizes some faces from his middle school. They are part of the rich clique - the bad one.

"He really came." One of them says and the others laugh. Taehyun tries to leave but hands push him back into the darkness.

"What do you want?!" He shouts out in anger.

"We saw you handing that letter over to Choi. Didn't take us long to guess what that might have been." The other guys make 'Oooooh' sounds and Taehyun glares at them.

"You always looked kind of gay."

He huffs. "What's it to you? I won't be hurt by your stupid comments if that's your goal."

"Who cares if you like it up the ass or not? You are targeting someone out of your range, Kang. We are just here to spare you hearing the rejection and to save Choi from a trauma. He's not into poor little beggars like you."

"Why don't you let him speak for yourself? He's different from you! Beomgyu doesn't care about money!" He retorts and suddenly a fist hits him in the face.

Taehyun stumbles backwards and coughs. "Where's your respect towards your seniors, you useless piece of shit? Get him, boys."

The bullies attack him all together, but Taehyun doesn't give in so easily. He fights back, punches and kicks, bites and scratches, but there are five against one and he eventually goes to the ground.

They kick him into the ribs and the stomach. One of them punches his face and Taehyun coughs out blood. He tries to free himself but he stands no chance.

"This is the power of money, Kang. We could beat you to death and no one would care. Our parents will just get us the right lawyers and no one will talk about your sorry life anymore."

"Beomgyu is one of us and you are not welcome in our circle. Do you know why? Because you're a cockroach! Just something we step on."

They leave him in the alley, beaten and broken. Taehyun sees the light from the café on the other side of the street. He groans in pain and tries to stand up, but his body is not listening. A tear slides down his cheek, but he barely notices it between all the raindrops falling down on him.

His clothes are soaked with water and blood, but the worst pain is still in his heart. He knows that Beomgyu is different from them. He knows. But there are people thinking differently. They live in different worlds and Taehyun doesn't seem to be able to enter Beomgyu's.

He hits the wet ground with his fist. Damn it!

It takes him a while before he manages to stand up. Taehyun clenches his teeth at the pain in his abdomen. There's a piercing pain in his right knee when he tries to walk, but he slowly limps out of the alley.

He leans against a lamppost for support and glances over to the café. He can see Beomgyu from his spot, looking all perfect as usual. Beomgyu is where the light is, while Taehyun is standing in the dark. Taehyun cries silently in the rain.

The older boy doesn't look into his direction, but Taehyun can see that he is staring at his clock. He is waiting for him, but Taehyun can't find the strength to walk over there and talk to him. Beomgyu deserves better than a guy like him. He is a nobody, a beggar, someone with little status.

A lady approaches him and asks him if he's hurt. He doesn't answer and just stares at the café window. She calls an ambulance immediately when she sees the blood.


kinda angsty. :(

sry for the mistakes, Luv ya <3

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