10 - Ideal

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"And that's happiness?" Beomgyu folds his arms and Taehyun gulps because he seems to be on the wrong path.

There was a time when he thought otherwise, but life has taught him that you won't be able to obtain anything without money. People won't respect you when you have no money. People with more money will trample over you whenever they can.

"I see...my parents thought the same." Beomgyu says and Taehyun notices that he took too long to answer his question.

He looks at the older man and notices him staring at the bottom of his cup with a sad gaze. Taehyun wants to reach out for him, but he holds back. He's afraid of asking what happened to Beomgyu's parents. "So you think otherwise?"

"I never cared much about my parents' money, though even until today people try to get close to me, because they think I inherited tons of many when they died. But their suicide just told me what I already knew: A lot of money doesn't equal happiness. I think it's like a drug."

"The more money you have, the better you might feel at that time, but when you lose it all, you'll suddenly be lost. You can't remember what it was like without much money, how you survived, it becomes too much. There are tons of people surviving in this world with little to no money at all. I know not all of them are happy, there are some things we can only buy with money - like medicine or a bed to sleep - but shouldn't people with a lot of money help those in need?"

Taehyun stares at him. Suicide? "Sorry if I'm talking too much. You probably don't care."

"What? No! It's just a lot to take in. I don't think you're wrong. It sounds very noble."

"But?" Beomgyu smiles at him, though his eyes show a hidden sadness.

"Isn't that just idealistic?"

"What more is happiness than an ideal set by society?"

Taehyun tilts his head to the side. "Society defines happiness as how much we own and how much can we buy, but there is more. I've lived without much money ever since my parents' death and I'm happy enough. I donated all of the money I inherited to an orphanage. I didn't want something that caused them to leave this world."

"What about those people without a job? I'm sure any homeless person would laugh at your words."

Beomgyu shrugs. "I give them what little I can give away. Have you ever helped out at a shelter? Probably not. Those people need nothing more than a bowl full of warm soup to be happy. There are not many people who think like me and I don't force those who disagree to think my way. In the end, everyone has their own definition of happiness."

Silence engulfs them. Taehyun tries to process Beomgyu's words. It's seems unrealistic, naïve and idealistic, but his words sound sincere. He can see in the other man's eyes that he means those words. He really believes in this type of unmaterialistic happiness.

Taehyun wants to believe in it to, but he's afraid of being disappointed once again. He wonders if he should tell Beomgyu the truth about him. Would the black-haired man understand him or be mad at the lies?

"This was probably not what you had in mind, when you invited me for a drink. Are you disappointed?"

The younger man shakes his head and manages a smile. "No, not at all. I was just deep in thought. I'll probably have to think about your words for a while to let them sink in. But I'm not disappointed at all. You're a wonderful person."

He spots a slight blush on Beomgyu's cheeks and his smile seems a bit more cheerful than before. "I hope you're not just saying that to get into my pants."

"No! But I would love to get your number." Taehyun rubs the back of his neck shyly.

"Okay." Beomgyu takes out his phone. "Tell me your number. I'll call you."

Taehyun smiles widely and quickly tells him his number. He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and quickly checks it. He names the new contact "My sunbaenim" and chuckles quietly. The other man scans his face. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" He replies and quickly snaps a picture of Beomgyu with the cup at his lips. It looks cute and Taehyun can't stop grinning.

He hears another shutter click and looks up to see the older man taking a picture of him with his phone. Their eyes meet and they laugh. Taehyun wishes he could freeze the moment right there. He knows that he is happy and there certainly is no money involved.

"What did you name me?"

Beomgyu sticks out his tongue. "That's a secret."

It seems like magic that they click together so perfectly like this. It's like they are two old friends who have known each other for forever and Taehyun can hardly believe how easy it is to get lost in the flow. Beomgyu is still as amazing as before. He wants to keep him by his side forever, make him his, bath him in all the happiness the world has to offer.

If only it were this easy.

"Beomgyu" - they hear a third voice.


The first part of this update is all the story is about.

What do you people think?

I personally would agree with Beomgyu's view on money. Happiness is never materialistic, we all should pursue things that give us happiness rather than conclude that money alone will give happiness. But that doesn't mean we should stop caring about money, bcz we all know in the economy we live in we have to have money to survive, again survival and happiness are two different things <3

Hope you understand the point of the story!

Luv ya! Stay safe

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