04 - Drunk

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This whole world changes soon.

One of the reasons is that he realizes Beomgyu will graduate in the next school year. That means Taehyun won't be able to continue his observations. The thought of losing the older boy makes him depressed. Beomgyu will move on to a high school, while Taehyun will have one more year left without him.

He doesn't know how he is supposed to go on without the older boy, especially since they probably won't meet again in high school. The chances are low that he will enter the same school as Beomgyu, which leaves him with limited options. He can either suck it up and get over his little crush or he can gather his courage and confess.

Taehyun thinks he still has one year to decide, but he's wrong about that.

It was just the beginning of his worries.

Taehyun's father lands in the hospital shortly before the school years ends. His liver failed him and now he needs a new one. The operation costs a lot of money though, which they don't have. It results in his mother working even more, but the real hit comes a few days later when she asks him to sit down at the table with her.

"Taehyun, do you like school?"

He blinks. "Yes! It's fun."

She seems a bit disappointed about his answer and the boy shortly wonders why. Shouldn't his mother be proud of him?

"So you wouldn't like...maybe taking a break for a year?"

"A year? But our school break isn't that long."

His mother leans over the table to grab his little hands between hers. The skin is rough and dry from all the hard work, but the touch is soft. "You know that your father needs a new liver, right?"

He looks at her and nods. She smiles weakly. "And it costs a lot of money. I calculated and I won't have enough money as fast as he needs it. We only have one option left and believe me, honey, I wouldn't do this to you if there were any other way."

Taehyun frowns. Panic starts to spread in his guts. "What did you do, mom?"

"It's just for one year. It's for your father." She looks at him with teary eyes and squeezes his hands when he tries to break free.

He feels tears welling up in his own eyes. "You made me drop out of school?!"

"I've already talked about it with your homeroom teacher. You are excused for a year and-"

Taehyun rips his hands free and jumps from the chair. "No! I don't want to take a break! What about my friends? What am I supposed to do for a whole year?"

She stands up and walks over to him, but Taehyun slaps her hand away. "Honey, please, do you want your father to die?"

"WHY SHOULD I SUFFER FOR HIM? He was practically dead all along! He can do us a favor and die!" He shouts and stomps his feet.

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