05 - Morning

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^pc to thee rightful owner

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^pc to thee rightful owner


When Taehyun wakes up, there is something warm and squishy in his arms. Everything is warm in general - something he is not used to. His sleepy mind doesn't care though. He pulls the source of warmth closer and slides a leg around it.

He turns his head a bit, his nose meeting with a mob of hair - soft and nice smelling. The scent is nostalgic and hypnotizing. Taehyun is about to fall back into a deep slumber when the thing inside his arms lets out a scream.

An elbow hits his stomach and then two hands push him out of the bed. He hits the ground with a yelp and his eyes snap open. Taehyun immediately squeezes them close again though since the brightness pierces his mind like a knife. "How dare you sneak into my bed, you damn pervert?!"

A pillow hits him in the face, but Taehyun keeps it to shield his eyes from the sunlight. He squints and looks at the figure on the bed. Oh shit. "I knew I should've left you in that alley! Damn pervert! Get out! Before I call the police, get out!"

Taehyun stares at him - at Choi Beomgyu. His black hair is all over the place and he isn't wearing any glasses, but this is without fail him. He swore himself to forget him - heck, that's why he drank so much - how did he end up in his bedroom? He wanted to forget about meeting them, but fate had taken his resolutions and thrown them over a cliff.

"What are you staring at?" Beomgyu grabs the blanket to cover himself - which was ridiculous in a way because he was wearing a shirt and boxers - but Taehyun is more fascinated by the cute blush on his cheeks.

He knows he shouldn't stare. He shouldn't find it cute. He shouldn't be feeling like this again.

Beomgyu shouldn't see him like this.

"I...I..." Taehyun starts but finds himself unable to form a right sentence. He licks his lips nervously. "Thank you."

The black-haired man looks down to him with a frown. Then he's even pouting. Taehyun curses inwardly. "Seems like you do have some manners, but you still have to leave."

Taehyun stands up and looks for his clothes, but he can't see them. "The room next to this one if you can't remember."

He attempts a shy smile and shuffles out of the room.

Fuck! Fuck my luck!

Taehyun walks in the other room and finds his clothes neatly folded on a chair. His cheeks grow warm when he thinks about the fact that Beomgyu had probably taken them off him. He puts them on and wrinkles his nose because they smell like alcohol and cigarettes. He really needs to wash them soon.

The man quickly slips into his clothes and then even spots a glass of water and a pill on the little table next to the bed. He smiles sadly.

Beomgyu is still as nice as before. No wonder that rich guy is trying to woo him.

He feels a pain in his chest when he remembers Dongjoo. Are they a couple already? Does Beomgyu have feelings for Dongjoo?

Taehyun hits his head. "Stop thinking about it!"

He swallows the pill with the water and walks out of the guestroom. He looks around indecisively and peeks into Beomgyu's bedroom, but the man is not inside it anymore. Taehyun hears noises from another direction and decides to go there.

The apartment is not exactly big, but the guestroom is about the size of his living room slash kitchen slash bedroom. The place looks cozy and warm.

There is this feeling of a home that Taehyun's apartment is totally missing. Beomgyu has pictures on the wall and other little decorations that fill the rooms with love.

At the corner of his mind he wonders why Beomgyu is not living in a big mansion with butlers and maids or just in an expensive apartment. He doesn't spot even one family picture.

The black-haired man is in the kitchen and has his back turned to Taehyun, when he enters it. He observes Beomgyu quietly like he used to do in the past. He is taller than before - probably a tiny bit taller than Taehyun - but he has definitely lost some weight.

It seems like the perfect height for Taehyun to put his head on Beomgyu's shoulder and then breathe in the sweet vanilla scent. His arms and legs are skinny, but not the unhealthy kind of skinny.

The skin looks smooth and pale, tempting Taehyun to touch it with his fingers and mark it with his teeth. He remembers Beomgyu's hair as light-brown, but now it seems black. It's a bit shorter than before but definitely long enough to let one's fingers run through it.

Beomgyu suddenly turns around and yelps in surprise. "God, you scared me! How long have you been standing there?"

The older man puts a hand over his heart and glares at him. "Didn't I tell you to leave?"

Taehyun can't help but smile. "Yes, you did. I wasn't in my right mind yesterday and I wanted to apologize for scaring you. I'm really sorry and thank you for letting me stay here."

Beomgyu looks surprised for a moment. "You're welcome, but you should leave nevertheless."

"Right..." He feels a little disappointed because the older man doesn't seem to recognize him. That is what he wants, but a small part of him wishes to be someone of importance to Beomgyu. "Sorry again."

He turns to leave but just then his stomach growls. Taehyun curses quietly, but stops in his step when he hears a soft giggle behind him. "Aish, I really am too nice. Do you want to eat something?"

Taehyun turns his head. "I don't want to be a bother..."

The black-haired man smiles and points at the dining table. "Sit down. I can't offer you much though."


Lol, istg they are both damn cutiess!

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