19 - Battling

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Taehyun does the only thing he can think of: he goes to a club. He should have called Beomgyu instead to find comfort in his arms, but his body carries him over to the clubs before his mind can react. It's still trying to process what happened to Mijoo today.

Taehyun does not even put on his expensive brand clothes. He just enters the club and orders one tequila. Another one follows soon. A whiskey. A beer. Many other drinks.

Some people recognize him and talk to him, asking what's wrong with his clothes, but Taehyun shuts them up with a free drink. When the glances get too much, he escapes to the dance floor. The crowd takes him in without a problem.

He tries to dance his sorrow away, because the alcohol doesn't seem to help at all. Mijoo's lifeless voice is still in front of his eyes, the shot and scream are still ringing in his ears. Taehyun doesn't even notice when he starts to cry and thankfully everyone around him is so lost that they don't notice as well. His tears could very well be drops of sweat falling down. Who cares?

After some time - Taehyun doesn't know how much - he gets back to the bar to get something for his dry throat. Just when he wants to gulp down the shot, a hand grabs his shoulder. "I knew it. It's you!"

He blinks, trying to clear the fog in his eyes and see the person in front of him. Before it actually happens, the other person - a taller guy? - grabs his collar and pulls him from his stool. Taehyun tries to free himself out of his grip. "H-Hey...lemmego..."

"What kind of twisted fate is this meeting you here? I've actually wanted to meet you so that we could have a private talk. Do you know what I found out?"

Taehyun gets shaken and he is pretty close to throwing up, but the guy stop right before his control breaks. He feels his eyesight clearing a bit and Taehyun's eyes widen. "Donut..."

"It's Dongjoo. God, how much have you drunk? You stink like a filthy rat, but then again that is exactly what you are."

He frowns. Taehyun pushes him away and tries to regain his speech. Why is the world turning so fast? "What did'chu say?"

"I said you are a rat, a filthy, lying rat." Dongjoo replies and gives him a strong push that throws him against the wooden counter behind him.

Taehyun grabs onto the wood to keep himself from falling. He glares at the other. "Molest someone else, frigging stalker!"

"I'm not a stalker!" Dongjoo hisses.

"Well, I'm not rat!"

"Yes, you are. And I'm going to tell Beomgyu all about it." The other guy threatens.

Taehyun stares at him, once again frozen in shock. "I did a little digging into your past, because you got close to Beomgyu. He told me about your family and all the other lies you fed him, but you know what I found out? You're not rich. Your parents are not famous. They don't exist. You're just a parentless kid from an orphanage. I don't know why you are faking these things and getting close to him, but I won't let this continue. Beomgyu will know the truth, and once he knows what kind of man you really are, he will cut all ties with you. You money-obsessed liar have no right to be close to him."

"You cannot tell him..." Taehyun manages to say. He straightens his body and points his finger at Dongjoo, who immediately slaps it away. "You can't-"

"I can! And I will! I should tell him right now. I would call him over to see your pitiful state, but I'm afraid it would hurt him only more."

"You can't..." Taehyun stumbles closer to him. I'm going to tell him...we'll meet on Sunday. I will tell him. He will forgive me. "I'll tell him..."

"Get lost! Don't come anywhere near him anywhere." Dongjoo gives him another push, but Taehyun immediately catches himself and throws himself at the other, landing a punch in his face.

The punch makes the other man stumble back, but before Taehyun can react, a fist flies back at him. Dongjoo hits straight on his nose and Taehyun groans in pain. He ignores his - probably broken - nose and lunges at the taller man again.

They struggle and more punches are exchanged. He actually manages to make Dongjoo fall at some point, but the man kicks his leg away in the next moment and then Taehyun lands on the floor too. He can see the feet of people all around him, circling the fighting men like a wall, but no one interferes to stop their fight.

He feels his stomach turn when Dongjoo hovers over him and lands several punches to his face. Every spot of his face hurts by now, but Taehyun doesn't give up. He changes their positions in an act of despair and throws a fist at him. Dongjoo catches his wrist and smirks.

Just then Taehyun's eyes find an object near them and before he can think about his actions, he grabs the empty bottle and lifts it up, aiming to hit the other with it. Dongjoo's eyes widen as he sees the object coming at his head.

"You can't tell him!"


He would've hit Dongjoo with the bottle if someone had not grabbed his wrist in time.

Taehyun gets pulled away from the other and the bottle is snatched from his hand. He grunts and tries to free himself, but the hands holding him stay firm. His limbs feel sluggish from all the alcohol and the previous punches, though, so he finds it hard to struggle against the men holding him down. Taehyun tries to focus his eyes on Dongjoo. Some people are trying to help him up on his feet, since Dongjoo seems to have trouble standing up.

"'emme go..." Taehyun mutters and tries to break free once more.

"Calm down, buddy. You need to cool your head." A man speaks to him, but the male just grunts in reply.

"'ave to stop 'im..."

Taehyun hears a shout and moves his head back into Dongjoo direction, just in time to see a fist flying into his face. He sees stars as the punch hits him in the face and then Taehyun stumbles down to the ground with the person holding him. His vision fades and Taehyun loses consciousness as people scream around them.


Well, It is a happy ending story of course, but then this story is something I tried writing with a thought to convey a message.

The behind story will be told in the end of the story.

Safe to say, it is based on a real-life story 😶

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