16 - Hospital

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A few days pass without a meeting with Beomgyu, since the black-haired man is out of town, giving him time to think. And he needs a lot of thinking.

He tries to get his head around the fact that Beomgyu was waiting for him, right in the place where they were supposed to meet back then.

Why him? They had never exchanged a lot of words. He thought he would just enjoy this while it lasts and then let go of Beomgyu without regrets when the time comes, but now he knows that he can't.

He can't just walk away again and send Beomgyu back to waiting for a boy that was never going to come. The boy from back then was gone forever.

He needs to free the older man from the past he is stuck in and lies are not going to achieve that. Beomgyu would just go back to his old habits if they separated without him knowing the truth.

He works both of his shifts every day of the week, but his mind is constantly on the older man. They exchange text messages every day, although Taehyun is sometimes hesitating with his replies.

He's suddenly unsure of what to say, how to act. Beomgyu notices that something is wrong, but Taehyun makes up some quick lies about a cold and how he's feeling unwell. The lie works, although it pains him to use another one on Beomgyu.

Taehyun makes a decision a week later while looking at his closet full of brand items. He's going to tell Beomgyu the truth. The black-haired man needs to know and even if doom awaits him, he has to try.

Because he knows that they are going to reach a limit soon. A limit he won't be able to surpass by continuing like this. Taehyun plans it carefully, especially since he needs time to mentally prepare himself.

He can't get rid of what he "is" so fast, but he wants to at least try the truth for Beomgyu - the older man deserves to be set free.

He reserves a table for them at a famous - but not too expensive - restaurant. Taehyun wants to take him out to dinner and then afterwards take a walk with Beomgyu through the nearby park. There's a little lake in it with a small bridge and that's where he wants to confess - with only the moon and the stars watching them.

It seems overly romantic and not fitting the occasion, but Taehyun figures that this might very well be his last date with Beomgyu. At least it would end with a good memory.

On Friday, he goes to his shift at La' Creme like always. The owner greets him with a smile and he starts baking the goods for later. He messes up on the recipes a few times, because his mind is on the date with Beomgyu on Sunday - the final moment of truth.

He's nervous as hell. Telling the truth doesn't seem easy at all, but it seems like the only route left for him. Taehyun cannot let go of Beomgyu - not again - at least not without trying.

He's taking a break in the back when he hears a loud bang followed by a scream. Taehyun jumps up from his chair in panic and runs through the door to the front of the bakery. Alia's head snaps in his direction. She has a hand over her mouth and Taehyun can see the tears glittering in her eyes. "S-Mijoo-ssi..."

He spots the woman on the floor, not far away from Alia. There's a pool of blood forming under her body and Taehyun rushes over to her side quickly. "What are you doing? Call an ambulance!"

Alia snaps out of her trance and hurries towards the phone. Taehyun examines the old woman and sees that the blood is coming from a wound in her stomach. He stands up again and quickly gets one of the towels that he can press onto the wound, as well as a pair of scissors. "What the hell happened?!"

He doesn't know if the waitress is talking to him or to the paramedic on the phone, but she mumbles answers between her sobs. "La' Creme bakery.....yes....a shooting....she's bleeding...please...please save her..."

Taehyun cuts open the shirt to reveal the wound. He curses loudly. It's clearly a shot wound. He does his best with his medical knowledge to give the owner first-aid treatment and then presses the towel on the wound to stop the blood from flowing out. "Mijoo. Mijoo-ssi! Can you hear me?"

He gives her faces light slaps but the woman does not react. Taehyun controls her pulse and is relieved to find it still there. "The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. Hold on. Please, please, hold on. You can't leave me."

Taehyun clings to her like a baby as he waits for the ambulance to come. He tries to get the whole story from Alia, but she's still in shock.

She can barely speak a sentence without breaking out into loud sobs. The ambulance arrives quickly to his relief. Taehyun tells the paramedics everything he knows about her wound and they quickly get her into the car.

Both of them are not allowed to get into the ambulance with her, but at least that gives Taehyun the time to close the shop properly with the key, so that no one will break in. Alia explains the whole story as the police arrive a few minutes later.

She was cleaning the tables when a masked man in a hood entered the bakery. He suddenly grabbed her and held a weapon to her head, demanding all the money in the register.

Mijoo tried to calm him down as she got the money ready - of course she would not risk her employee's life for some money. But the robber had not been content with the amount of money she handed him.

He wanted to drag Alia away as well, mumbling how good-looking she was and how she would be considered an additional bonus, since the cash was too low. Mijoo tried to stop him, begging him to take her credit card or anything else, just not the girl.

They got into a tussle and the man shot his gun in the middle of the fight. Alia said it was probably accidentally, since he ran away in panic afterwards, even leaving the money behind.

Taehyun doesn't really care if it was accidental or not. The police have to catch that bastard. He goes to the hospital once the policemen are done with interrogating both of them. Mijoo is still in operation when he arrives.

He waits in the corridor, walking up and down with panic gripping his guts. Taehyun wants to scream, to break down and cry, but he holds it inside. He can't lose her - not now, not like this, not his second mother.

He remembers the last time he had stood in a corridor like this, pacing up and down and hoping for good news. Taehyun remembers the moment the door opened and the doctor stepped out with a crestfallen expression.

"I'm sorry, boy. She's dead."


Pls do share your thoughts on this chap!

Btw, Happiiieee Friendshipp dayyy cheesecakes :)

Btw, Happiiieee Friendshipp dayyy cheesecakes :)

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