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His steps are light as he heads towards his destination. Taehyun feels confident this time. There are no lies left between Beomgyu and himself. He has told him everything and Beomgyu has believed him. This his second chance, probably the last he will ever get.

His chance to make what happened forgiven and forgotten. His chance to leave the castle behind forever. Taehyun feels at peace with himself. He is happy and it is not thanks to the money that he is this happy.

It's all because of Beomgyu, because of love. Maybe it's not all a person needs in life, but Taehyun has learned that life without love is no real life. Money can buy you a house and food and many other things, but it cannot buy you friendship or love.

It cannot buy you a family or keep you company when you feel lonely. It will not listen to your worries when you are in need for comfort. Money can only help you escape from your problems.

A person can go all around the world if he or she has money, but they can never get home without love.

Taehyun stops at the lamppost and glances over to the café. He chuckles quietly when he spots Beomgyu at the table behind the big window, looking around for him. He's wearing his glasses again that only make him look cuter.

The older man spots him finally and waves at him shyly. Taehyun has to laugh because Huening is standing mere centimeters behind Beomgyu and glaring at him. He jumps out of his hiding place and quickly walks over the street.

The bell rings as he pushes the door open and Taehyun feels as light as a feather. He walks over to Beomgyu's table. "Hi."

"Hi." The black-haired man greets back, trying hard to hold his laughter in.

A snort is heard and they turn their heads to Huening. "Why are you two behaving like lovesick teenagers? And why are you here any-"

"Ahjussi-" Taehyun interrupts him and the waiter's mouth drops wide open. Beomgyu giggles in his seat. "-could you please get me a hot chocolate? Thanks."


Beomgyu raises hand. "And one for me too, ahjussi."

They laugh and Huening walks away with a red face. Taehyun sits down. "I see you got my letter, sunbaenim."

"Are we really going to do this?" Beomgyu asks, holding in his laughter.

Taehyun gives him a stern look and the older man clears his throat. "Maybe you could tell me your name first. You have forgotten this tiny little detail in the letter."

"It's Kang Taehyun. Please go out with me, sunbaenim! I love you!" Taehyun bows his head to the other.

Beomgyu hums. "Hmm...but I don't know anything about you. I think we have to get to know each other first."

He looks up again and whines. "Hyung! Don't be mean!"

"You were the one who said we should start anew and that I don't know you!"

"I didn't mean it like this! This is torture! I've been waiting for your reply for-"

"Yes." Beomgyu interrupts him and Taehyun blinks.





"You mean you- we?"


"God, this is disgusting." Huening puts the two cups on the table. "Just kiss already. I'm going to get rashes."

And of course they kiss. Taehyun almost throws over the table when he jumps up in excitement to reach for Beomgyu.

Beomgyu holds into Taehyun's shoulders as he kisses back to match the way Taehyun is kissing him. He seems to take the lead and take over Beomgyu, completely invading his senses, being under the younger's spell.

They part back when they hear series of gasps and then they remember they were still at the café.

"I am lucky that it is you again"

"I am so lucky that you waited for me hyung"

"If waiting means that you will come back to me, I wouldn't mind waiting for you"

A happy tear leaves his eye as Taehyun hears to Beomgyu's confession.

He decided to not make the elder wait anymore. Before he could act, Beomgyu caressed the younger's cheeks, wiped the tear away and initiated the kiss.

This kiss held more than just love. It was a desire, a debt for missing each other, a memoir for the present moment, a promise for the future. To stay together. Through all thick and thins.

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