13 - Masarati

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The moment gets interrupted by Huening before he can do anything. The waiter calls for Beomgyu from behind the counter. "Hyung! Hurry up!"

And just like that the magic is broken. The black-haired man stands up and this time Taehyun lets go of his hand. Beomgyu gives him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I must go. But maybe we can...meet again?"

"How long is your shift?"

The other man stares at him in confusion. "10 pm, why?"

Taehyun grins and stands up as well. "I'll pick you up."

His eyes widen. "You don't have to! It will be late already and you probably have other-"

He steps closer and interrupts his rambling. "I will pick you up."

"Okay, but don't come here with a limousine.

"Let me guess - Dongjoo?"

Beomgyu laughs. "Yes."

"Then I will have to take the Masarati." His words earn him a light punch against the shoulder. "I'll be here at point 10 pm to fetch you, princess."

"Don't forget the umbrella this time." Beomgyu warns him.

Taehyun nods and walks over to the counter to pay for their drinks. "Taehyun, you don't have to" "I insist." He literally throws the money on the counter and smirks at Huening. "You can keep the change."

"How nice of you." The waiter replies with a cold voice. "Please don't come again."

"Huening Kai! He's a customer and a friend, behave yourself." Beomgyu scolds him.

The boy just snorted and turned away to tend to the new customers. Beomgyu sighed. "I'm sorry, Taehyun."

"I told you it's okay. I'll see you tonight?"

The black-haired man smiled and nodded. "Okay. Don't catch a cold."

They just smile at each other for a moment, before Beomgyu's boss calls out for him and the older man has to avert his gaze. Taehyun leaves the café with the smile still on his lips. He hasn't felt that good in a long time. The feeling he gets in the clubs is not even comparable to this happiness.

Beomgyu might think he's rich, but he doesn't care about the money. Taehyun doesn't know if he should reveal his lie though. After all, his real self is that of a poor liar who can't even pay his own bills.

He's afraid Beomgyu might see him as the same as those guys in the shelter then. He doesn't want to be supported by Beomgyu - he wants to support him.

Everything would be easier if he had his degree already. He could make a lot of money as a doctor and afford to buy Beomgyu everything he needs.

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