11 - Bouquet

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"Beomgyu" - they hear a third voice.

They turn their heads towards the door and Taehyun lets out a displeased groan. Dongjoo is there again, as suddenly as last time. Their eyes meet for a moment and they exchange short glares. Beomgyu lets out a sigh as the younger man steps closer. "Dongjoo. Please stop doing this."

"I was just walking by-"

Taehyun sends him another glare. "Is he stalking you, Beomgyu?"

He knows he is being overprotective and it's not even his place to act as the black-haired man's guardian, but his instincts urge him to protect the man he loves. The older man looks back at him. "No, it's fine, Taehyun."

"Who is that dwarf?" Dongjoo asks as he steps closer with a scowl.

Taehyun stands up. "You are not that much taller!"

"Guys, please don't fight in here." Beomgyu interrupts them before their argument can escalate. "He's a friend, Dongjoo. Now tell me why you are here again. I don't need another expensive present."

"I know that, but it's different this time." He smiles triumphantly and steps past Taehyun.

Dongjoo takes something out from behind his back and Taehyun's eyes widen slightly as he sees the colorful bouquet of flowers. "I picked them myself for you in the garden. I thought you might be at work, so I came here to give them to you."

He wants to think that Dongjoo is lying but his smile is genuine and there is a bit of dirt on his hands, hinting that he might have gotten those flowers himself.

There's no fancy wrapping and the bouquet looks so helplessly unorganized that it can't be from a professional florist. Beomgyu seems to notice that too and Taehyun feels a sting in his chest as the older man smiles widely.

He takes the flowers from Dongjoo's hands and moves them close to his nose to take in the sweet scent.

"They smell wonderful. Thank you, Dongjoo."

Dongjoo beams happily and Taehyun finds it irritating how honestly in love the other man looks. It pisses him off somehow because it makes the man so likable. He seems honest with his feelings for Beomgyu. He looks big and scary at first, but he is more of a softie at heart it seems.

Taehyun finds it unfair how this guy can be rich and yet nice as well. How can he be so perfect, while he is just a poor, lying bastard?

"And I wanted to ask you something too. You've always rejected me, but I'll never stop asking. Please go on a date with me, Beomgyu." The big guy asks and even bowed after he was done speaking. His hands hold out a ticket to Beomgyu.

The black-haired man takes it and scans the ticket. Taehyun doesn't like how his eyes start to glow in excitement. "The Infinite concert next month? But that...those are tickets for the standing pit!"

Dongjoo smiles and rubs his hand together nervously, a weird gesture for such an intimidating guy. "I heard the sound is better if you are closer to the stage and I figured you wouldn't like sitting somewhere in a fancy VIP zone."

Beomgyu looks at the ticket again and then back to the other. "Do you like Infinite too?"

"No." The other answers without a moment of hesitation, but then quickly adds: "But I want to hear the music you like. I want to see the things you love from up close and maybe I will come to like them too."

Taehyun can see that the older man likes his answer. It seems sappy, but it's so honest that Taehyun feels like barfing on the table. He feels like shit because Dongjoo is everything he's not - rich, nice, and honest, maybe a bit of a stalker.

Beomgyu deserves someone like him. A pair of eyes land on Taehyun and he glances over to the love of his life. Why do you look at me as if you're asking for my permission? Taehyun's heart clenches and he averts his gaze - a coward.

"You can take your time to think about it. Keep the ticket, please, even if you don't want to go together with me." Dongjoo says, as the understanding guy he is.

"Okay, but Dongjoo-" Beomgyu's voice turns from a friendly tone towards a slightly scolding one. "-don't appear out of nowhere again to surprise me. You have a phone, use it."

"I will." Taehyun glances up to see the rich dude smiling widely, his gums showing. "See you around, Beomgyu."

He finally leaves them alone again - not without giving Taehyun another glare of course, which he returns with an equal amount of dislike. He looks over to Beomgyu and finds him staring at the ticket with his nose still hanging in the flowers.

Taehyun wants to rip them out of his hands and throw them on the ground, stomping on them until they are destroyed. He tries to keep his expression from showing those feelings though.

"Are you going to go with him?" Taehyun asks suddenly.


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