20 - Breaking

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Everything is white when he wakes up, quite literally. Taehyun knows that he's in a hospital with just one glance. Every part of his body seems to hurt, especially his face and chest. He can move around a bit, but his whole body feels like it's covered in bruises. Taehyun groans as he sits up. He glares at the white wall opposite of him. Has Dongjoo told the other male already? Is his façade finally over, ended by someone else?

The defenses of his castle had been down, with windows and doors wide open, making it easy for invaders to get into it and rob him of everything he has.

And now the only thing his castle can do is collapsing.

Regret fills him and Taehyun can feel the tears brimming in his eyes. His fingers dig into the blanket, gripping the fabric hard. The realization that everything might be over now hits him hard. He's scared and his heart feels like a knife got pushed into it.

Now it gets twisted around to bring him more pain. Just the thought of Beomgyu knowing, Beomgyu hating him, is enough to bring him such pain. He pulls his knees to his chest and hides his face in the white fabric of the blanket.

He doesn't hear the door open, but Taehyun notices someone is there when a hand touches his hair. It's a tentative touch at first, before the fingers curl into his dark locks and ruffle them slightly. "Are you in pain?"

Taehyun raises his head abruptly and the other person quickly retracts their hand. His eyes widen. "Beomgyu?"

The older man smiles shortly. "Why are you looking at me like I'm a ghost?"

He can't believe Beomgyu is here, smiling and looking perfect like always. He's wearing his glasses again and Taehyun can see that the eyes behind the glass look a bit red and puffy. His hair is ruffled up, as if he had just woken up. Taehyun can't help but wonder if he knows already and the thought is making his tongue heavy.

Beomgyu sighs suddenly and pulls a chair to the bed, so that he can sit down. "What kind of drugs did they give you? Or did Dongjoo hit you too hard?"

Taehyun blinks. "Y-You know?"

"I know you fought, yes. That's why I'm here. I wanted to see how you're doing and you look pretty awful, honestly. Though Dongjoo doesn't look much better." Beomgyu smiles sadly.

He gulps. "So you...talked to him?"

"Yes, he called me because he had something to say." Beomgyu looks directly into his eyes and he can't help but feel that the older man is waiting for something.

"Did he...?"

"Well, partly, before I told him to stop. I was mad enough that he got into a fight with you. He said you started it, but you guys are adults and not elementary school kids. Dongjoo shouldn't have hit you back." The black-haired man sighs again and rubs his temples. Taehyun thinks he can see his eyes glistening and it breaks his heart. "So...did you? Did you lie to me?"

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