07 - Confession

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It's the longest week of Taehyun's life. He can barely concentrate on his work or his studies, because the vanilla boy is preoccupying his every thought. He feels himself falling for Beomgyu again, deep, and fast. He stays up all night thinking about ways to court him.

Taehyun knows he must be better than Dongjoo if he wants to win. Beomgyu is rich and Dongjoo seems rich, while Taehyun is just a poor man trying to act rich. He doesn't fit into their world, but he yearns for it nevertheless.

Saturday starts off bad for him. It's raining like crazy and Taehyun doesn't have an umbrella. He looks at the expensive clothes he is wearing and back to the dirty window. He can hear the rain drumming against it.

Taehyun bites his lower lip. He doesn't have Beomgyu's number to call him, which leaves only one option for him: running through the rain. He has already stood up Beomgyu once. The man won't do it again and risk losing the second chance he had been given.

Taehyun opened the front door and dashed out into the rain - towards Beomgyu.

Just like before.


His mother doesn't change her opinion. The air between them is cold and tense ever since the argument. Taehyun knows he should find his father's survival more important, but that man has never acted like a parent to him.

He has only known him as the unmoving drunkard who doesn't care about anything. He can't understand why his future is less important than him. He's of no use to anyone while Taehyun belongs to the generation that will build the future.

The operation gets scheduled as soon as she has the money ready and his father gets moved to the top of the list of people that are in need for a liver. Taehyun locks himself in his room while his mother keeps visiting her husband in the hospital.

The boy keeps reading books and listening to music, doing all kind of things to keep his mind off his crush. Beomgyu will probably not even notice that he is gone. His life will go one like before, while Taehyun suffers from a broken heart.

After a few weeks of isolation, he forms a plan to confess to Beomgyu. Taehyun writes him a love letter. It's cheap and old-school, but he doesn't dare to ask him directly.

He waits for the older boy in front of the school gate for hours because he doesn't know when Beomgyu's schedule is over. He doesn't mind the extra time though.

He walks up and down the pavement while he waits. Some students give him strange looks when they are leaving.

Taehyun even meets his friends again who hug him and ask him where the hell he has been all this time. He gives them a sad smile and tells them about his mother's decision, though he keeps his thoughts towards his father for himself. They don't know what kind of man he is and he doesn't want them to know.

The wait is agonizing, but when Beomgyu finally steps out of the school gates he is alone and Taehyun thanks the heaven for this. He wouldn't have the courage to hand the older boy the letter in front of his friends. 

Taehyun slaps his cheek lightly and hurries over to Beomgyu with trembling fingers. It's his first confession and he want it to be his last too.

He does not trip or anything else embarrassing, but he almost runs into the older boy because of his speed.

"Wow there!" Beomgyu calls out in surprise.

"B-Beomgyu-sunbaenim!" Taehyun stumbles. "Take this!"

He presses the letter into his hands and the next second he runs away. Beomgyu calls after him but Taehyun is busy running away with a red face.

I did it! I did it! Now the only thing left to do is hoping that the other boy won't throw it away and that he will come to the meeting point. Taehyun is grinning when he's home.

He can do this! He can even get over repeating a school year if he has Beomgyu by his side.

There was no way money could separate them, he thought.


so yeah, taehyun gave beomgyu a letter in the past!

Hope you liked it :)

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