06 - Invite

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A moment later there are two cups of coffee on the table, a basket with some slices of toast and a variety of toppings like cheese or marmalade.

It's more food than Taehyun has probably eaten all week. "Is this really okay? I mean I..."

Beomgyu waves his hand and smiles. "Just eat before I change my mind. My friends always tell me I have too much of a good heart. I trust people too easily. They call it the 'Mother Teresa Syndrome' –"

A nervous laugh. "Why am I even telling you that?"

The older man averts his gaze and spreads butter on his toast. Taehyun finds his blabbering adorable, but he keeps it to himself. "I'll take advantage of your kindness then."

They eat in silence for a while. Taehyun sneaks a look at the other from time to time. He knows that he gets lost more in more in his old feelings with every look.

Beomgyu's facial structure is clearer defined than before, but he still has these cute cheeks and the way his eyes disappear when he smiles is still the same.

He wants to follow every curve of his face with his fingertip, maybe smear some marmalade on the flawless skin and lick it off, but he manages to control himself.

"Ah! Now I remember where I've seen you before!" Beomgyu suddenly exclaims and the younger man freezes in his seat.

He chokes on the piece of bread in his mouth and looks at him anxiously. "R-Really?"

"You're that waiter from La' Creme!"

Taehyun feels a stone drop from his shoulders and he rubs the back of his neck. "You got me."

Beomgyu stares at him with a frown and Taehyun shifts nervously. He wonders what's wrong and thinks about standing up, but then the other man finally speaks.

"Maybe Yeonjun hyung was right. Now that I look at you, you don't really need that scarf."

"What do you mean?" He asks in confusion and Beomgyu shrugs.

"When I saw you in the bakery, you seemed like you needed it more than me, but you're dressed up in brand clothes now. I didn't know you make that much money as a baker."

"Oh...that was...I was just helping out my aunt. I don't really work, just, you know..." Lies.

Taehyun would like to slap himself the same moment he says those words, but now he can't take them back. He doesn't know why he wants to make himself seem like something he isn't.

Maybe he wants to be an equal in Beomgyu's eyes. He is used to telling people he is rich or other lies to earn their respect, but for some reasons it feels worse to lie to the black-haired man.

"Ah...I see. Your parents paid for it?" Beomgyu asks him, but there is not much interest in his voice. It even sounds a little disappointed.

"Yeah." Another lie. A nervous laugh. Taehyun can't read that expression on the older man's face, but he doesn't seem pleased with his answer. "Do you want the scarf back? I-"

"No. I don't need it. You can keep it." Beomgyu cuts in and then averts his gaze. He starts eating again and Taehyun bites his lower lip.

"Wasn't it a present from your boyfriend?"

The other man blushes. "W-What? No! He's just...a friend."

He can barely hide his relief over the news. Taehyun knows he shouldn't even feel that happy about it. He has no chance on dating Beomgyu if that guy with all his money can't even succeed. "I see...but the bag must've been really expensive."

"That's why I didn't accept it. You're pretty curious, uhm,...?"

"Taehyun. Kang Taehyun." He answers and reaches out his hand.

Beomgyu takes it and shakes it slightly. His hand is soft and slender. Taehyun wants to hold it in his forever, which makes him hold on a little longer than necessary and the older man clears his throat. He retracts his hand and gives him an apologetic smile.

"I'm Choi Beomgyu, nice to meet you again I guess." Beomgyu gives him that beautiful eyesmile he has loved since middle school and Taehyun's heart clenches. I know who you are.

"You seem to be okay when you're not drunk." The older man comments and continues to eat.

"I'm not usually that wasted." He replies. Why did he have to embarrass himself in front of Beomgyu of all people?

The black-haired man hums in return as he is busy chewing his food. Taehyun spots some marmalade next to his lips and without thinking about it, he leans over the table and wipes it away with his thumb. Beomgyu stares at him with wide eyes and Taehyun licks the sweet marmalade from his thumb. He enjoys the blush that finds its way onto Beomgyu's lovely cheeks.

The older man averts his gaze again. "Why did you do that?"

"I couldn't help it. You were too cute." Taehyun answers immediately. No! Why can't I control my mouth!

He knows he shouldn't get close to Beomgyu, but gravity seems to pull him closer to the older man's orbit again and again. He wants to be close to him, wants to touch him more. He wants to be the only one Beomgyu looks at. Taehyun wants to be the center of his universe, just like Beomgyu is his.

The blush deepens on the other man's face and he stands up. "M-Maybe you should leave. You've eaten enough, right?"

Taehyun stands up too. He curses inwardly because he has destroyed the nice atmosphere between them. "I'm sorry if I offended you."

"It's okay I'm just not...used to this and your parents must be worried too."

He feels a pang of guilt in his chest at his words.

Why did you use that lie?! You huge idiot!

"I...Would you let me treat you to a drink or something? I mean non-alcoholic, just, you know...as a thanks for helping me."

Say no. Say no. Beomgyu seems speechless for a moment. "I don't know why I say this-"

Then don't! The older man smiles. "Sure, but I'm choosing the place. I don't want you to drag me to some expensive local."

Not expensive. Totally fine by me. "A-Are you sure?"

Beomgyu narrows his eyes at him. "If you keep asking, I'm going to say no."

Taehyun laughs awkwardly. "So, can I get your number?"

"No." The black-haired man walks over to the counter and Taehyun hears him scribbling on something. "Are you free next Saturday?"

"Y-Yeah." He never has anything but clubbing to do on the weekends, except for maybe additional jobs to gather money, but he will make space for Beomgyu.

The other man turns around again and hands him a little note. There's an address written on it and a time. "Be on time. I won't wait for you."

"I will!" Maybe for a while this is fine – just being close to him. "I won't disappoint your trust."

It's weird to talk about trust when he is lying right into Beomgyu's face, but even if it's just for a while until the bubbles pops, he wants to do the things he never had the chance to in middle school.

Like going on a date with Beomgyu, holding his hand or maybe even kiss him.

This time he wants toconfess for real.


Hope you liked it :)

Thank you for all your votes and comments, I am seriously loving all the comments!

Luv ya cheesecakes

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