15 - Irony

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Taehyun goes to La' Creme on Friday. He feels a bit bad for leaving the owner alone so often, but he knows she is more likely to forgive him for his escapades than the boss of the restaurant. That guy already dislikes him enough.

Taehyun gives her excuses like he is sick or an exam is in his way, and she never doubts his words. At least it seems that way. He knows that she has the extraordinary gift to look a little deeper than most people. Maybe she knows there was something - someone - else keeping him busy, but Mijoo never said anything.

"Taehyun-ah, good morning!" She greets him with a smile.

He returns the smile, honestly happy at the moment. "Good morning, Mijoo-ssi."

The old woman steps closer and Taehyun shifts under her gaze. "W-What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It just seems like you're glowing with happiness today. I noticed that you've changed over the past few weeks and with that I don't mean your absence. You seem happier. You finally have some color on your face, you are wearing new clothes and you don't run around like a party corpse anymore. Are you finally getting your life together?"

Taehyun smiles shyly. He's secretly happy about her words of course. He is trying to change - or rather Beomgyu changes him with his compassionate behavior. "I guess..."

The owner laughs. "Did you meet someone?"

He fights a blush that wants to form on his cheeks. Taehyun is about to say no, but then he thinks his life doesn't needs another lie. Why not admit it to her? "Kind of."

She gives him a sudden hug and Taehyun's eyes widen in surprise. Her small hands rub his back affectionately. Taehyun just stands still in her arms.

"I'm glad you've met someone, Taehyun. You need to have fun, but more like a regular person. Finish your studies and get a better job than this. You can't hang around this place all your life. You are still young. Do something with your life. This old woman will be fine without you."

Mijoo breaks the hug, but her hands still linger on his upper arms. "Sorry if I'm bothering you. You're like a son to me, Taehyun."

Taehyun tears up at her words and then his carefully built walls crumble. He hugs the old woman and buries his face in her shoulder, a few tears slipping from his eyes in silence. Mijoo is like a mother to him. She's warm and caring - he actually feels much closer to her than he did to his own mother.

He's so happy to have her, because even if his tower of lies falls someday, she will still be there. She knows - somehow she always knows. The owner is a safe haven that he can return to, always welcoming and understanding. Taehyun really feels like she is his mother. Who else would understand him this well and forgive him for everything?

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