XIV. Freedom And Worth

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Two days later...

Chapter Fourteen

"How are you doing?" I ask her.

Jade nods her head once, her voice just above a whisper as she tells us: "They've been nice, but I'm still in chains. I'm surprised I haven't been set off yet."

"I'm not," Soroya says with a smile, grabbing onto one of Jade's cuffed hands. "I told you that all you had to do was believe in yourself."

A small smile grazes her lips. "My trial is tomorrow, what should I expect?"

"The prosecutors will present evidence against you and your lawyers will present evidence defending you. Witnesses will be brought in also, but I don't think there are any witnesses on the prosecutors side. Soroya, me, Bucky, John, Caden, and Alex are all here to be your witnesses."

Jade's eyebrows arch up. "Alex? Whose Alex?"

"My brother," Soroya replies with a sad smile. "He was held in the same HYDRA base, so he brings an important perspective."

"Where is he?"

"He's outside, do you want to meet him?"

Jade thinks about this for a moment before nodding her head. It makes sense why she would want to talk to Alex, after all, he's perhaps the only one who truly knows what she's been through.

Soroya and I both exit the holding room Jade is being held in, which is just a small room with an interrogation table. The table has handcuffs built into it, which is what's keeping Jade locked in there. There's also agents standing guard at the door, both heavily armed. They step aside as we pass by them, giving us skeptical looks. They haven't been the only ones. A lot of the agents we have seen don't seem happy to see us. It probably has something to do with us trying to help free a HYDRA agent, and because Soroya and I are hated by the entire UN.

Alex is standing a few feet away, glancing at the unpleasant guards. "We're popular everywhere we go, aren't we?"

Soroya smirks, nodding back towards the door. "She wants to meet you."

Alex nods, his expression softening as he says to us: "I remember when I was in her shoes, it really sucked. I hope I can show her that happiness is possible for someone who's gone through what we have."

Soroya steps forward and kisses her brother on the cheek, pride seeping in every word as she tells him: "I know you can."

"Bucky called while you guys were in there, he's waiting downstairs. He said John and Harvey are getting dinner for everyone and they'll meet us back at the hotel."

"Bucky let them go alone together? They might kill each other before we ever get our meals." Soroya comments.

Alex rolls his eyes, already having heard enough of John and Caden's arguments in the past two days. "Yeah if they're going to kill each other the least they can do is get us our food first so we can have something to watch while we eat."

Soroya shoves her brother's shoulder and shakes her head. "Go in there, we'll be out here waiting for you when you're done."

Alex winks at his sister before walking past us towards the room, sarcastically saluting to the guards as he passes through the doorway.

"Your brother is certainly an interesting man." I say with a low chuckle.

Soroya has a look on her face only a sibling can have: one of equal annoyance and love. "That's one word for him."

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