I. Healing

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Chapter One

Ross has called us to his office for an urgent meeting, which can only mean one of two things: he wants to reprimand us about something, or he's sending us on a mission.

I always hate having to talk with him. He has an extreme hatred of enhanced people, and an even greater hatred of former HYDRA agents. Since I fall under both those categories, he is even more unpleasant with me than he is with the others, just like he is with Soroya, Alex, and Bucky. Over the last few years I've been trying to come to grips with all that's happened to me, and having Ross as my boss makes that task very hard. He shoves all my insecurities and fears in my face, he treats me like I'm a monster. For so long I've thought of myself as a monster, for so long I've told myself the same things he's told me. I just hope this meeting isn't long, I can already feel my anxiety rising and we just entered the elevator of the building.

Sam's hand slips into mine, the feel of his touch already making me feel better. "Just try to ignore him. Ross is nothing but big words and empty threats."

"Just imagine you're holding him down and shaving his mustache off with a sand paper, that's what I do. It really helps to calm the nerves." John comments, offering me a soft smile. Ross hates John in a special way, in some ways even more than he hates me and the others. It honestly makes me feel better that John is here, it means I won't be the center of Ross's insults.

The elevator dings open and we enter into the hallway, already hearing Ross's booming voice as he orders his secretary to clear his afternoon schedule. Stephanie Coleman is the name of his secretary, and she doesn't hold the same hatred for us as her boss does. As we pass by her, she gives us a frustrated look, warning us that Ross isn't in a good mood. Indeed he isn't, the first thing that comes from Ross's mouth when we enter his office is:

"And here I thought you had gotten lost. You're late."

Ross isn't alone in his office like he usually is, there are two other men sitting behind his desk. I don't recognize them, but they sure seem to recognize me and the others. They don't seem as angry or as hateful as Ross, if anything they look amused.

"I didn't know the circus was coming to town today." One of the men says with a smirk.

"And they brought their lap dog with them," the other says with his eyes narrowed at John. "Major Walker, it's been a while."

John's eyes narrow as well. "It has, sir."

"These are Lester Jiang and Ted Frey, they are members of the Department of Justice. I'm sure you are familiar with Sam Wilson and Jade Rosales."

"Of course, who doesn't know about the man who killed the Secretary of Defense and the HYDRA agent who blew up an entire bunker of US troops." Frey responds, his expression staying the same, but his voice growing dark.

I dart my eyes to the ground, unable to handle their accusing stares. I really feel like I'm a circus freak they're putting on display, forced to stand defenseless as they laugh at me. I try to ignore their words and focus on not getting too worked up, even though I have mastered my powers, I still worry that any heightened emotion will set them off.

"Why don't you tell us why you called us here." Sam says, tightening his grip on my hand.

Ross has been enjoying his colleagues' comments, but he obligees Sam and gets down to business. "Three teenagers have escaped the US and are now terrorizing people across Europe, specifically England, France, and Denmark. You will go and apprehend these criminals and bring them back here to me. Last we heard they are Viborg, Denmark."

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