I. Positive

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Chapter One

Fredrick Ray is a high ranking HYDRA officer who worked in Moscow for twenty years. After HYDRA fell, he disappeared and hasn't been seen since, at least until now. With the help of Sharon, who has been hunting agents with us ever since we captured Foreman, we found out that Ray has a daughter who attends the Berlin Academy of Dance, a prestige school in Berlin that only the most talented can get into. If we get into the academy, we have a shot at getting to Ray.

Sharon, Jade, and I are going to be infiltrating the academy, posing as students. Bucky, Sam, and John will be doing surveillance outside the school along with some other CIA agents. Since Ray is such a high ranking officer, Ross insisted we work closely with the CIA for this mission. Thankfully the agents we're working with don't hate us like Ross does, which makes things a lot easier.

Today is the day we infiltrate the academy, but before we can, we need to get disguises. Jade and I are Avengers, if we get recognized, then the whole mission will be ruined. The CIA has an entire department for undercover work, which includes a large room filled with disguises. When we walk inside this room, I see that it's divided into sections; one section has wigs, one section has prosthetics, a large section has clothes, and in each section there is a station were agents design and create more items to add to their collections. It's no surprise to me that the man working in the wig section is Caden Harvey, who is three years into his probation and has been working here in this department.

When he sees me, he gets up from his seat and drops the wig in his hand, stretching his arms out wide. "Beasty, it's so good to see you."

Even though I'm happy to see him, I have to force a smile his way. I have been dealing with a massive headache all day that won't seem to go away, and his voice is quite loud. Despite this, I walk into his arms and rest my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and saying sincerely: "You too. Are you enjoying life in America?"

As he pulls back from me he nods, moving past me to hug Jade. "The food here is gross but good at the same time, the people are dicks, and Americans drive like maniacs. But I like my house and I have Sylvia."

"Sylvia?" Jade inquires as she pulls away from Caden's hug.

"That's what I've named my glass swan," he explains. "She's my only companion these days. The other agents here aren't too kind. Not everyone is as forgiving as you are, Beasty."

I offer him another smile, knowing just how he feels. Caden turns his attention back to the wigs now that the pleasantries are over, and his smile is like a child's on Christmas as he gestures to the beautiful collection. "What can I do for you lovely ladies today? I heard your mission is to pose as dancers, so might I suggest longer hair for you, Beasty, maybe the color red."

"I'll take whatever you suggest." I tell him, beginning to rub at my temples. I've had headaches before, but this one is worse than normal. It reminds me of the headaches I got the days leading up to when I shifted for the first time as a child. I remember having skull cracking headaches that made me want to cry. But now that I think about it, I'm having other symptoms I had before I first shifted. Like my senses have been going crazy the past two weeks or so, like they've been dialed up from a nine to a fifteen. With Caden for example, I smell his cologne so strongly it's like it's being held up to my nose, and his heartbeat is so loud it sounds like drums, and even his breathing sounds very loud. I've had my powers for decades now and I've learned to tune most of this out, it makes me wonder why all of the sudden they're acting up.

"Jade, I think going blonde is a good idea for you, maybe with some curls," Caden continues, eyeing the other two women in assessment. "Agent Carter...perhaps going short brunette. How do you feel about pixie cuts?"

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