X. Freedom For Enhanced Persons

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Chapter Ten

"Do you think they're alright?" Matt asks, blasting more fire onto the already burning logs.

When we escaped the base and found the invincible car, we took it to an airport and boarded the first plane we could find. Right now we're in an abandoned office building in downtown London, with nothing but the clothes on our backs and each other. Matt and Johnny are both sitting next to the fire, I myself am standing next to the broken window, staring out at the distant lights of the city.

"I'm sure they are," Johnny responds. "They're Avengers, the government can't touch them."

"What are we going to do now? We can't risk getting the government's attention again, so are we just supposed to stay hidden forever?"

I shake my head, turning around to face him. "No. We won't stay hidden forever. We'll do as Jade said, we'll hide and stay safe, but only until the time is right."

"What do you mean?"

"Jade said herself that a day might come when we will be able to come out of hiding and fight, we need to make sure we are ready for that day," I tell them, the corners of my mouth twitching upwards. "There are hundreds of people who are just like us, who weren't lucky and are still captured. Some of them will be released, some will escape, others will stay in prison. We will fight for all of them, all of our enhanced brothers and sisters."

Matt and Johnny are both looking at me like I'm crazy. I get down onto my knees and look between both of them, my mind never having felt so clear, my pain and anger transforming into dedication and drive as I describe the plan I am concocting in my mind: "The government must pay for what they've done to us and to so many others, but the only way they'll ever change is if we force them to. We will take this time to plan, to strategize, because a day will come for justice to be served and we will be the ones to make it happen. We'll start a revolution, one that will change the world as we know it."

Matt's confusion and skepticism turns into a grin. "So you're proposing we form a rebellion?"

I nod. "A rebellion to free all enhanced people, to give us the rights and freedom we deserve."

Johnny's smile grows also, his voice pretty enthusiastic s he suggests: "That's a good idea for a name: freedom for enhanced people."

"How about freedom for enhanced persons? It sounds more sophisticated." Matt chimes in.

I place my hands on both of their shoulders, sharing in their excitement. "I love it, and we'll call ourselves the F.E.P for short."

"We need a motto or a hand signal or something," Matt says, running a hand through his curly hair. "Any ideas?"

Johnny seems to have one. "How about 'freedom for us, freedom for all'?"

Matt gives him an impressed look. "Catchy."

Johnny smiles, looking pretty proud of himself. "Thanks."

I let go of their shoulders and place my hand out in front of me, gesturing with my eyes for them to do the same. They both scooch forward on the floor to place their hands on top of mine, listening intently as I say to them: "From now on we aren't just three lost kids, we're leaders of a revolution that will change the lives of enhanced people for the better. We're in this together."

"Agreed." Matt says with a grin.

"Always." Johnny agrees.

"Freedom for us, freedom for all." I announce firmly.

"Freedom for us, freedom for all!" Johnny and Matt repeat back, their shouts of glee and excitement echoing through the abandoned halls of the building. With these shouts and cries sparks the beginning of our new path, our new destiny. We will not let Jade, Sam, and John's sacrifice be in vain, their effort to help us get free will not go to waste. We will be the voice of the enhanced, we will be a beacon of hope for others just like us. We will bring freedom to people like us, and freedom to all.

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