I. The Four Musketeers

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Chapter One

"Livy! Stevie! Come down here please!" I yell, sitting down on the couch next to Bucky. He grips onto my hand tightly, looking just as nervous as I am. We wait impatiently for our kids to make their way down the stairs, watching them stand in front of us with mixed expressions of curiosity.

Livy, who is fourteen, is wearing her hair up in a ponytail, dark jeans, and red and black flannel. This is her signature look, as is the exhausted bags under her eyes. She stays up pretty late at night reading or watching videos about different medical fields. She first got into this a couple years ago after helping Shuri with a surgery, she's been obsessed ever since. Livy spends a lot of time with her Aunt Shuri, as does Zy'aire. Shuri is more than pleased that both kids have developed a deep love of science like her, though in different areas. Zy is very interested in astronomy.

Steve wants nothing to do with science. He developed an artist's touch from his Uncle Khari, and spends almost all of his spare time drawing or painting. By the paint covering his Panic at the Disco t'shirt and his ripped jeans, I would bet that was what he was doing before we called him down here. He looks as impatient as we are to return to his project, and his voice is eager as he inquires: "What is it, Mama? Inspiration is hitting me and who knows when it will go away."

Livy is the one who inherited my insightfulness, her stare is very analytical as she glances between Bucky and I. Her voice sounds wary as she observes: "You look nervous, and I can sense your increased heart beats. Something's wrong. What is it?"

Steve's impatience fades into worry as well. "Did someone die? Have you been fired? Are you two getting divorced?"

I shake my head. "No, darling none of that. Your father and I have made a decision and we wanted to share it with you."

Bucky squeezes my hand tighter as he continues: "Your mother and I have always tried to give you both every opportunity and choice in life. We never want you to feel like you are being forced into anything, like we were. When you were born, we had Everett make second identities for you both in case you ever decided you didn't want to be Avengers like us. These identities will allow you to live anonymously and safely."

"We have been talking over the past few months, and we are afraid that you two won't be able to make a clear decision because you've never been allowed to live normal lives. The only lives you've ever known are filled with Avengers, powers, and danger. We want you both to experience a life of anonymity so when you two become adults, you can truly decide what you want."

Livy and Stevie share a confused look, with Stevie asking cautiously: "What are you saying?"

I glance at Bucky, taking a deep breath before answering my son's question. "We're moving to New York. You two will live under your fake identities and experience life as normal teenagers."

As I expected, Steve doesn't react well to this. Any thoughts about his painting completely leaves his mind, confusion and anger fill his features, his voice growing in volume as he says: "What do you mean moving? We can't leave! This is our home, I don't want to move to New York. I don't want to be normal, I love my powers, I want to be an Avenger. I have already decided."

"Stevie, you're only twelve, you may change your mind one day," Bucky points out. "Once you come out as our son, once you make your powers public, there's no going back. You may regret it later on. This way you'll be able to make a clear decision."

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