III. The Serum

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Chapter Three

Bucky and I walk hand in hand as we walk through the prison. It is the first time he's gone with me on one of my visits to Analiese, and I can tell he's very uncomfortable as we pass by the cells of prisoners. I'm used to the awful things the inmates yell as I pass by them, but Bucky isn't. I hear the usual comments thrown our way; 'traitor', 'demon', 'the USA's loyal mutt', 'HYDRA scum', and all manner of unpleasant names. Bucky's hand tightens around mine as we round the corner away from them, and he whispers to me: "If I had known you had to deal with that every time you come here, I would have gone with you more often."

As much as I appreciate the sentiment, the comments don't really bother me. I'm not here for them, I'm here for Analiese. I haven't seen her since we buried Julian, and although I know that things seemed different the last time we talked, I'm worried that she's reverted back to hating me in the past few months. I really need her to cooperate and give me the serum. My life and my baby's life depend on it.

My semi-annual visit is due, so when Bucky and I walk into Ana's prison cell, she doesn't seem shocked to see me, but she does seem shocked to see Bucky.

"I see you brought your lap dog with you," Ana says, turning the volume of the radio on her bed down. I'm grateful she does, my senses are still acting up and that radio sounded like it was playing directly in my ear despite its low volume. "Why do I get the pleasure of both the Barnes's company today?"

Bucky, as usual, isn't amused by Analiese's comments, and he gets right to the point. "We need the formula for the serum you created to temporarily stop your shifting."

Analiese rests her elbows on her knees and leans forward, the smallest of smiles grazing her lips. "How far along are you?"

"H-how did you—"

"The only way I could ever see you willingly take your powers away is if it was to help someone else, and the only person that would benefit from you taking your powers away is a child."

I let go of Bucky's hand and drag the desk chair over to her, sitting down without saying a word. I mirror her and rest my arms in my knees and lean forward, dropping my voice lower. "I'm at four weeks. According to Shuri, the baby's brain starts to develop at six weeks and that's when I need to worry about him or her shifting. If my baby or I shift, it could kill us both, so I need the serum you created to make sure we're both okay."

I thought it would take more convincing, but Ana nods her head once, glancing up at Bucky. "Hand me a piece of paper and a pen from my desk."

Bucky raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "You're willing to help us just like that? There's no catch? Nothing you want from us?"

Her eyes narrow, her voice growing colder. "There's no 'us'. I'm willing to help her, not you. And no, I don't want anything in return. Your wife has done quite enough for me to do this for her, and besides, I don't want an innocent child to hurt themselves because of their powers."

"I didn't think you cared about the safety of children, you've had no problem murdering them in the past." Bucky says just as coldly.

"And how many children have you killed, Barnes?"

"I was brainwashed, what's your excuse?"

"I was consumed by my animal side and my pain, pain you caused need I remind you."

"If you want to dance, Remington, then let's dance." Bucky says baitingly.

"Don't test me, Barnes. I'm not afraid to hit an old man." She warns, her tone growing louder.

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