V. The Interrogation

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Chapter Five

I haven't been to a FBI headquarters in a long time, but despite that, it is just the same as it was the last time I was here. Each headquarters for the FBI has really ugly cream paint, torn up carpet, and agents who completely dispise enhanced people. Soroya, Bucky, John, and I get a lot of glares as we pass agents by on our way to the holding cell Anderson is being held in.

Sharon is waiting for us in front of his cell, and before she lets us inside, she leans in and whispers to me: "I wiped Josephine from the official report, so Ross won't know that she's unaccounted for. I also just talked with Everett, he and I are working on the adoption papers."

I pull her in for a hug, whispering back to her: "Thank you." I mean it with every atom of my being.

Sharon pulls back from me and takes out her ID badge, sliding it through the card slot, making the door unlock with a loud click. She holds the door open for us to go inside before slipping inside herself, informing us: "Ross is going to be here in two hours to interrogate Anderson, so we need to be quick about this."

"Trust me," I say through clenched teeth, clenching my hands into fists. "This won't take long."

Anderson's hands are cuffed to the bar attached to the interrogation table, his head resting on the cold metal surface. He lifts it once the door locks behind us, and his expression in indifferent, stoic, but I can sense the fear welling up in side him. Good. He should be scared.

Soroya approaches him first, ever the cool and collected one as she begins by asking: "Enjoying your stay?"

Anderson shakes his head, looking a little annoyed. "Quite the good cop act and just get to the point."

"Alright I'll get to the point," I say, cutting my sister off. I approach the two of them and place my hands on the table, leaning closer to him as I ask: "How did you steal all those kids? Chose your words wisely, my sister and I will be able to sense if you're lying."

"Most of them I took when their parents were asleep, it's easier that way."

"Then where did you steal Jo from? The little girl who can turn invisible, where did you take her?"

Anderson looks confused at me calling her Jo, but he doesn't comment on it, he just answers the question: "She was with two enhanced people, I found them holding her in a run down house when I attacked them and stole her away. She was a baby at the time so there wasn't any struggle like some of the other kids."

This man makes me sick, it takes all my self control not to shift right here and maul him alive. "How did you know she was enhanced? How did you know any of these kids were enhanced?"

"I watched, I listened, I planned. I knew about the invisible little girl because I saw her use her powers in a back alleyway with the two other enhanced, so I followed them and waited for the right moment. The same goes for the other children, they are so careless with their powers, they use them freely and don't understand the consequences."

"A child should be able to use their powers and not worry about being taken by a sick creature like you."

"Who are you calling creature?" Anderson asks, his indifferent expression fading into aggression. "You're the enhanced filth who turns into mutts and grovels at the feet of the government."

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