VI. Steve's First Day Of School

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Chapter Six

Why does school start so early in the morning? Why does the US school system think that people our age can function at six in the morning. No wonder every kid in movies has terrible grades; they're so exhausted and stressed out because they don't get enough sleep. I can barely keep my eyes open as we pull up to the school.

Livy and I step out of Tim the CIA agent's car and stare at our new school, watching all the other kids flood through the doors. I can sense that Livy is nervous, and even though I am too, I try to be the voice of confidence and tell her: "Don't be nervous. We're Barnes's, we can handle anything."

She sighs, shaking her head at me. "Here we aren't Barnes's, we're Bransons."

"We'll always be Barnes's." I tell her, not having to fake my confidence to say that. I'll always be proud to be a Barnes, it makes me feel strong, like I can accomplish anything. It's what will get me through the next few years of hell.

Livy squeezes my hand, taking in a deep breath. "Good luck, Stevie."

"You too, Livy." I say with a wink, letting go of her hand and walking into the building. She goes towards the ninth grade hall while I head down the sixth grade hall, according to the map she printed out for the both of us, all my classes are down this hall, she even circled them all for me so I wouldn't get lost.

My first class of the day is world history, then I have English/grammar, then gym, then physical science, then geometry, then my language class. I picked German. It will be an easy A.

I find my name on a small piece of paper on a desk in the front of the class, so I sit down in the chair behind it and drop my backpack at my feet. I notice a bunch of kids staring at me, I try not to pay attention. The bell rings, which only slightly startles me, and the teacher comes in and closes the door. She's a black woman in her thirties with bangs, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a Friday the 13th shirt. I like her already. When she speaks, she has a New York accent, like the ones I've seen in movies. I'm still bitter that Dad doesn't have a New York accent, he's apologized for not having one multiple times.

Her smile grows as she locks eyes onto me, saying: "We have a new student, who clearly has good taste. Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself?"

I'm wearing a Michael Myers t-shirt, my teacher is clearly a horror fan. I stand up and wave at the class, saying nonchalantly: "I'm Steve, I'm twelve, I'm from Nebraska, and I think that The Shining is the best horror movie ever made."

My teacher holds up her coffee mug is if to cheers my statement, replying: "Amen to that. If you like horror and violence Steve, I'm sure you'll like the unit we're on: HYDRA."

The teacher turns on the screen on the wall and starts going through a PowerPoint presentation. HYDRA has affected every part of the world, so it makes sense that we would cover it in a world history class. Here I thought this class would be boring, I know this stuff inside and out. Since it's a lesson about HYDRA, my teacher talks a lot about the different HYDRA agents, talking the most about Mom and Dad, probably the two most famous HYDRA agents.

"Those two make one hot couple." A girl whispers to her friend next to me.

The girl's friend nods, glancing at me once she realizes I'm listening to the conversation: "Are you fans of the Savage and the Winter Soldier?"

I nod. "They're my favorite Avengers. They're so cool and badass."

"Do you think the Savage is hot?" One of the girls asks.

Her friends sighs. "I know I do."

I shake my head very thoroughly. "I'm gay, so no." And she's my mother, but I don't add that part.

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