VII. Planning Ahead

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Chapter Seven

Once Shuri and Bruce get done patching me back up, the others were allowed in to see us. The first to hold the baby is Khari, and Olivia loves the feel of his fur lined leather armor, she snuggles against it and instantly falls asleep. The others crowd around him and admire our daughter, whispering how beautiful she is and deciding which of her features come from Bucky and I. The only one who doesn't go fawn over the baby is John, who goes directly over to me and kneels down to be at my eye level.

"How are you feeling?" He asks softly.

"Sore, but I'm fine, Shuri has me on some pretty heavy pain meds," I tell him, reaching up to gently touch his his cheek. "I'm really glad you're here."

John leans into my touch and grabs onto my hand, holding it against his face, letting out a sigh. I don't need my heightened senses to be able to tell how fearful he has been, or the relief he feels now that he sees me, now that he can touch me. I know being here and seeing my child must be hard for him, but he puts on a mask of joy and tells me: "I'm so happy for you, and so proud."

Once he says this he lets go of my hand and joins Jade and Sam, the former holding my sleeping infant in her arms, swaying her from side to side. Alex, Khari, and Rhodey are talking quietly off the side of the room, Okoye and Scott are in a deep discussion about what Olivia's powers are gonna be like, Bucky is talking with Sharon, and T'Challa, Nakia, and Zy are standing next to me, smiling fondly at the new addition to our family.

"I'm glad Zy'aire will have a friend to play with." Nakia says with a grin her son's way. Zy is currently staring at Olivia in curiosity, his little face furrowed in focus.

"Our kids will be close, I can already tell." I say, sharing Nakia's grin.

Shuri appears at my side, her excitement oozing in every word as she informs the three of us: "Your children will be the brightest minds in Wakanda. Between our advanced schools and my teachings, both of your children will get PHD's. It's a guarantee."

I grip onto her hand and let out a soft chuckle. "Olivia is lucky to have an aunt like you."

This makes Shuri's smile grow wider. "You did a great job with her. She's beautiful."

"She really is." T'Challa agrees.

Bruce appears next to Shuri, his expression bittersweet as he says: "Nat would love to be here. She would be so honored to have your daughter partially named after her."

My own happiness fades slightly at the thought of my friend. Though it's been over three years since her death, it never gets any easier. I still miss her everyday, as I do Steve, Julian, and my parents. I hope Nat would be happy, I really do.

Bruce takes a deep breath and forces a smile, clearly trying not to think about Nat too much. "Where does Olivia come from?"

"My youngest sister," Bucky answers from behind Bruce, leaving Sharon to come over to me. "Her name was Olivia. We felt like our daughter should be named after two of the strongest women we knew."

"You should contact our nephews, tell them they have a new cousin." I say with a smile.

"I will, maybe I'll invite them here once you've healed more. I know James, Richard, and Lucas will want to meet her."

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