I. Complicated Matters

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Chapter One

We started out with forty six HYDRA agents to hunt, now we're officially half way done. Over the past two years we've hunted and captured twenty three HYDRA agents, most of them were hiding, some better than others, and all of them put up quite the fight. Buts it's been nothing Bucky, me, Sam, John, and Jade can't handle, as well as Alex, who was ordered by Ross to help us with our next target.

His name is Lucas Foreman, he used to be an officer that worked at the Siberia HYDRA base. We've been tracking him for weeks, and now we've finally found his hideout in the Belukha mountains thanks to a little help from Alex. Having two enhanced senses of smell certainly came in handy. Foreman has been in this hideout for a few years now, our intel says that he's trying to build a bomb. If that's true then we need to be incredibly careful, especially because of Jade.

Jade has been training to control her powers everyday with me for two years, and she's made great progress. She mostly has control of her abilities now, with only a few slip ups here and there. When we first met her, she was insecure in her powers, afraid to interact or touch anyone. But much has changed since then. She's grown confident in her abilities and in herself. She's no longer afraid of who she is, she embraces the power she holds. She's also been training with Bucky, Sam, and John in fighting, which she is a natural at. Jade is an important part to our group, and not only that, she has become a loyal friend.

She's crouched down next to me as we watch the entrance to the hideout, whispering: "What's taking them so long?"

Bucky, John, and Sam have gone to see if there is a back entrance to the base that we can enter in through, but they have taken far too long to find one. We're starting to worry.

"Liebchen, do you hear me? If you hear me respond." I say into the coms, my worry rising as the seconds go by without an answer.

"I'm sure they're fine." Alex whispers from the other side of me.

My worry subsides as I smell all three of their scents heading back towards us, and I share a smile of relief with my brother, who can smell them too. The three boys kneel down next to us behind the boulder we are hiding behind, looking mildly disappointed.

"We couldn't find any other entrance. It's just this one." Sam informs us.

"It's no problem, just means we lose the element of surprise. Jade, when I say so, I want you to blow up the door. We will go in and find Foreman and the bomb, you stay here and make sure no one leaves."

She nods, more than happy to stay far away from the supposed bomb. I turn my attention to the others and say: "Alex and I will lead the way, we'll be able to sense when someone is approaching and tell you when to strike. Once we find the main room of the hideout, Alex and I will get Foreman while Bucky gets to the bomb. He's the only one with experience on how to disable one. Sam, John, take out any other goons that might be in there, from up here I can sense maybe fifteen or less."

Bucky nods, turning his gun off safety. "Lead the way, sweetheart."

I nod to Jade, who stands up and braces herself, extending her hands out towards the door, closing her eyes in concentration. After a few seconds, the metal door blows apart, sending shards and bits flying in every direction. She nods down to us, giving us the okay to go inside. Alex and I lead the way into the hideout, with Alex whispering to me as we do so: "Now that we're closer I smell twelve. You?"

I nod. "So do I, and someone is coming this way now. Bucky, around the corner."

Bucky nods to me and aims his gun high, jumping from around the corner and shooting the HYDRA man sneaking up on us.

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