Absolute Beginners

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A/N: Hey guys, so this is my first David fan fiction so bear with me while I get the hang of it. I hope you like this first chapter. Please leave a comment, I would appreciate any feedback. Enjoyyy Xx

Violet's POV

Hey Violet! Soundcheck is earlier today, did David tell you?" I heard Rick the lead tech call as I was happily minding my own business organising all of the mixing desk gear.

"Ermmm wha?" David had told me nothing. This was the biggest gig I was running yet and to say I was on edge would be putting it lightly, so this sudden change panicked me.

"That man!" Rick sighed, you could almost hear his eyes rolling back in his skull, "he wants the soundcheck done for 5 today, no idea why like". I glanced at the watch on my wrist. 3:55. Ok, thats not bad, I just need to get everything set up by 4:30 at the latest and then David can be in and out by 5. Deep breath. With that I got straight to work and tried to get things set up as quickly as possible. I took it one step at a time, I didn't want to mess up and I didn't want to piss David or Rick off. I felt enormous pressure landing this job, its my dream job, touring the world and working with legendary artists like David.

Half an hour later, everything was nearly ready. At the corner of my eye I could see David milling about chatting with his band and to some of the other crew guys. I snook a glance at my watch. 4:24. Good. David must've noticed my glance and began sauntering towards me. It amazed me how normal he looked when he wasn't performing.

"Are we ready for my soundcheck my darling?" he smiled as he reached my mixing desk. I don't know how he did it but he always made me feel important and a valued member of the crew. I'm the youngest and most inexperienced member of the crew and one of the four females on a crew of about 30.

"Yep" I nodded, kicking myself for not being cooler with my response.

"Lovely, thanks for bringing it forward, I hope it wasn't much hassle?" he took a sip from his water bottle meanwhile his band found their place on the stage.

"Not at all, its all pretty straight forward really" I shook my head and smiled, turning my attention to the desk.

"Right, lets get this done" David smiled in return before heading off towards the stage. We sped through the soundcheck. It was such a privilege to see them do Heroes and Rebel Rebel just for me, even if it was so I could get the sound level right. Within 20 minutes everything was sorted. Luckily the room was really easy to mix in which made my life much easier and eased my anxious mind.

"Thats it" I called across the room, showing them a thumbs up, "thanks guys". I busied myself sorting the setlist and the channel lists. I didn't notice a figure approaching me.

"So, you're free now until the show right?" I heard a familiar voice from yards in front of me. I glanced up, confused.

"Erm, yeah?" I was so unsure of what was happening so just stood there bemused.

"Well, I have some friends coming tonight so I'm having a bit of a do backstage before the show. You should come hang out" I couldn't quite believed what I was hearing. "If you have things to do then don't worry".

"No, yeah I'll come for a bit" I blubbered, trying my absolute best to sound cool but something told me I failed miserably.

"Great, it'll be nice for us to get to know you more" David grinned before cooly heading off while I tried to calm myself down.

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