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David's POV

The last week of the tour was hectic, and one hell of a rollercoaster. Before we knew it, it was our wrap party and the last time we were all going to be together for a while. Being T total meant that I could enjoy myself and watch the others make fools out of themselves, while I was secure in the fact that I wouldn't feel like shit in the morning and I lowered the chance of me making awful decisions. Violet however, was still drinking and you could tell. I 'accidentally' bumped into her on the dance floor. She was absolutely hammered. After a little dance together I took control and lead us around to say goodbye to everyone.
"Come on you, let's get to the room" I tried to encourage Violet along the corridor but she was stumbling all over the place.
"I'm trying but my legs aren't doing what they're told!" Violet stammered in a rather whiny tone. I burst into laughter at how confident she sounded.
"Well tell them if they don't, they'll have me to answer to!" I declared, still trying to guide her along the corridor.
"Is that right?" Violet tried her best to sound sassy but it just came off as adorable instead.
"Yes" I chuckled focusing on getting her through the lobby and outside. As soon as we stepped out through the door she suddenly stopped, catching me by surprise.
"Darling, what are you doing?" I asked, matter of factly as she just stood there expressionless.
"It's cold" she shivered.
"Here, have this" I slipped my blazer jacket off and handed it to her. She grinned a cheesy smile and took the jacket, it made her look tiny but I figured it'd prevent the cold getting to her. I draped an arm over her shoulder and continued to coax her towards the hotel over the road and then up to our room. The lift was a hassle, she insisted on pushing all of the buttons but luckily we were only on the second floor so it wasn't as much of an inconvenience.
"Let me just open the door up" I explained as I leant her safely against the wall beside our room. As I struggled with the key I felt her arms snake around my waist and her forehead rest against my back. "You Ok, baby?" I wondered, unsure of how to maneuver us both into my room seeing as she attached herself to my back.
"Yeah?" She answered quietly, as the door swung open.
"Let's get to bed then," I shuffled us in, placing a hand over hers. She came stumbling in after me and so I took her hand to guide her over to the bed. I sorted out a big t shirt for her to sleep in and fetched a glass of water to help prevent the inevitable hangover headache. I then removed my t shirt and my jeans, noticing Violet was sat flicking through a book left on my bedside table, swaying side to side. "Are you not getting changed Violet, there's a top for you?" I was baffled, all of her focus was on reading the pages of the book. I crawled over to her on the bed. That definitely seemed to catch her attention. She giggled as she turned her eyes to me. "Do you need some help getting out of these?" I teased, tracing a finger down my jacket she was still wearing and the top below it.
"Mmaybe?" She teased back, chuckling slightly and biting her lip.
"Well allow me" I replied, sitting myself beside her and removing the jacket from her shoulders. By time we had managed to get her out of her top and jeans, she clearly had her sights on something else. We shared a sensual kiss or two but she wanted to continue. Whereas I didn't want to while she was in this state. "Baby, it's a bit late for this" I tried to reason in between kisses. But she insisted, her hands reached for my chest and she proceeded to push me back onto the bed. It was very hot indeed. But I had to be sensible. Her hands roamed my chest, and were followed by her mouth placing delicate kisses along my collarbones.
"Vi?" I sighed, wishing she'd listen to me but she ignored me and shuffled down so that her head was just above my belly button. "Violet!" I repeated, more sternly. If she proceeded I don't think I would've had the power to stop her. Luckily she listened this time. I tenderly laced a hand through her short hair, subtly guiding her gaze up to mine. "Let's just get to sleep, yeah?" I explained, prompting a grumpy expression from her.
"Why?" She frowned, slumping her head down on to my bare torso.
"it's late and you're drunk, it should be special" I continued. She seemed to reluctantly agree and crawled up the bed to me. "It's not that I don't want to Violet, I just want it to be enjoyable for us both" I kissed along her collarbone and then up to her lips. "Do you forgive me?" I whispered, holding my face millimeters from hers. She just nodded in response and kissed me back, soft and sweetly. Then, within 5 minutes she had dropped off to sleep anyway as I cuddled her into me, delicately tickling her back.

The following morning I woke before Violet and I figured I'd put the kettle on and make her a coffee in bed. It was 7am but she had to be heading off for the airport in an hour so I figured it was the best way to wake her up. I wandered around getting things straightened  up and ready for her to leave. It was stuffy in the room so I only put my jeans on, figuring I'd leave the shirt for later.
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" I heard Violet's groggy voice chirp up. I glanced over to see her pushing herself up in the bed.
"I guess so" I shrugged, flattered by her words.
"I don't know whether I'm excited or depressed about going home" she admitted, as I finished off making us our coffees.
"Probably a mix of the two, I'd say" I responded, carefully carrying the cups to the bed, where she graciously grabbed hers as I joined her beneath the duvet.
"Hmm, it's a strange feeling. I just hope things aren't too bad when I actually get home" she added, sipping the hot beverage.
"Please call me when you get home and keep me updated on things" I told her, apprehensive of how we were going to go forwards.
"Of course, I'll call you all the time" she agreed, smiling behind the coffee cup.
"Good, and if not I'll ring you" I winked in response before sipping my coffee. We proceeded to finish our brews before double checking that we had everything. I carried Violet's bag down to reception and waited for the cab with her. Despite all my effort, when the cab pulled up, tears inevitably escaped from my eyes.
"Aww baby" Violet flung her arms around my neck and hugged me tight when she noticed the slight trickle of tears.
"Take care, ok" I told her, trying to be strong. I kissed her cheek with passion.
"Thanks David. You too, I'll speak to you soon" she nodded, before planting one last passionate kiss on my lips.
"I'll see you soon" I called after her as she climbed into the cab. I held a hand out to wave as the car pulled off. Overwhelmed by a sudden sadness, I watched as the car disappeared out of sight. On returning to the room, I fell to pieces. I sobbed to myself on the bed. Without her I felt so lost.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'm aiming to try and tie this story up in the next few chapters or so. Would you be interested in a sequel or something different, please let me know otherwise I'll just do whatever comes to mind 🥰Xx

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