Slip Away

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David's POV

The night Violet broke down was honestly the most heartbreaking things I've ever experienced, she wouldn't stop sobbing her little heart out. I tried my best to calm her but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, after holding her against me securely and rocking her gently back and forth she began to calm down and when she finally spoke her words were quiet and shaky. I tried my best not to break at the sight of her in such a fragile state, it made me furious and it made me so sad to see her like this. I needed to protect her.

The following day, she insisted on going straight to see Ryan. I asked if she wanted me to go with her but she said she was ok to go alone. I knew I should have at least gone and waited in the car for her. As I was tending to some paperwork I got a phone call, not even half an hour since she left. It was her. She was panicky and desperate. Ryan had took a turn for the worst and I wasn't surprised. Immediately I threw on a jacket and my shoes, grabbed my wallet and left. As I ran in the rough direction of the hospital I rang my assistant and between pants I explained the situation. 10 minutes later I was in a car going to the hospital. I couldn't sit still, I didn't know where to look, everything was blurry. Opening the window with one hand, I lit a cig with the other. I puffed away, the nicotine only just cutting the nerves. Moments later, I arrived at the hospital, I darted straight to the receptionist.
"Mr Ryan Simmons! He's just been brought in, in an ambulance, I need to find him!" I rushed, overwhelming the poor reception lady. She looked bewildered before tapping into the computer.
"Yes. A and E sir, just down there on the right, follow the red signs" she politely responded.
"Thanks" I was already gone as I thanked her. I ran down the corridor feeling like I was in a scene from a movie. Luckily A and E was only 2 seconds away and there I found them, in the intensive care section. I immediately went to Violet, holding her tightly.
"I'm here" I soothed her, thankful I had made it.
"I'm so glad you are" her voice was still so small and shaky.
"Hey Ry, how you feeling lad?" I turned to Ryan. He was all wired up, hooked up to all sorts of machines. He was certainly not in a good place.
"Hi David" his tired voice croaked.
"Take it easy, we're going to stay with you alright" I added, offering my best understanding smile. Violet and I sat beside him, Violet's right hand in his and her left in mine. It was a very tense and charged time.
"Put music on, please" Ryan's quiet voice cracked.
"We can do that for you" I nodded, standing up, I went to find a nurse to source a radio or a CD player. Luckily a helpful nurse found one in the staff room and handed it to me. I set the system up for him and the chilling silence was soon drowned out by the sound of radio 1. Moments later, a doctor came in and briefed the three of us about Ryan's state.
"Unfortunately, it's not good news I'm afraid" the young doctor began, I felt Violet grip my hand tight. "Mr Simmons is on some very strong painkillers at the moment so he's not completely understanding of his environment." I glanced to a lifeless Ryan and swallowed hard, trying to prepare myself for the news to come. "it appears that he is coming to the end of his battle. I've looked at his notes and his symptoms, I've liaised with my colleagues and there isn't anything we can do to treat him. The best we can do is provide fluids and painkillers to make him as comfortable as possible" the doctors words faded into white noise. I turned to Violet. Tears were already streaming down her face. I pulled her to me, cradling her head against my chest as a lone tear cascaded down my own cheek.
"Thank you doctor" I piped up before turning my focus back to Violet. She sobbed quietly into her hands. "Baby be strong, he's not quite gone yet" I tried to sooth her, trying to give her the strength to get through. "Violet, you are strong, we're going to get though this ok, let's stay strong til the end" I kissed the top of her head as she sniffled and did her best to suppress her tears. Not long after the update, Violet's Dad arrived and so I informed him of the situation while Violet didn't move an inch from Ryan's side. Violet insisted on staying by his side. So I volunteered to be the one to get the coffees and the sandwiches. But no one really fancied eating. We were there for the long haul.

The cycle continued for another 24 hours at least. Violet hadn't been back home yet. Her Dad had gone to sort the car situation out and for a shower. We made sure Violet wasn't ever on her own in there, not for too long at least. But on the Friday things worsened. Ryan seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness, his breathing was shallow and labored, he was as skinny as a rake and his eyes were black.
"David!" Violet panicked as she noticed, Ryan stir slightly. I turned to watch, it was such a sorry sight. "It's ok Ry. You can go now" Violet spoke to him in a soothing tone, stroking his hand and moving the hair from his face. A few lonely tears escaped from his eyes. "I love you Ryan, you're going to be ok. Let go, it's ok" she held back the tears as Ryan's eyes fluttered slowly. Then all of a sudden he was gone. Violet burst into tears and sobbed into the bedsheets. "He's gone!" her voice was muffled.
"Shhh" I soothed her, placing my hands on her shoulders, trying to ease the pain. I was speechless. We had a moment alone with him before the doctors and nurses came in to sort Ryan out. I basically carried Violet out into the corridor, she was consumed by grief and sadness. "Let's go home" I told her, "I'll phone a car and then I'll phone your Dad" I told her. She never loosened her grip on me. She clung to me like if she didn't, she'd crumble to the floor and I believed she actually might.

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