Speed Of Life

133 4 1

Violet's POV

Jet lagged and still kind of dozy, David and I left his place at around 9am to make our way up to Manchester. I was looking forward to be seeing Dad and Ryan, it had been around 4 months since I last saw them.

"Excited?" David asked me as we settled down in a first class booth on the train. I could definitely get used to the first class treatment. David can't really do standard or economy class as he'd be mobbed constantly.
"Yeah" I nodded, taking hold of his supple hand.
"Good, have you told them about us?" he seemed slightly anxious.
"No" I admitted, I was apprehensive about telling them so I figured I'd leave it as a surprise.
"ok" he seemed nervous, "do you think they'll like me?" he pondered.
"of course they will" I offered an affectionate smile, rubbing my thumb over the back of his veiny hand. We sat and chatted, hidden behind a newspaper all the way up to Manchester, covering topics such as computers and movies. A few hours later, our train trundled into Manchester station and we transferred into a taxi ordered by David's people. After a short taxi journey we arrived at my Dad's house out near Salford.

Rather nervously, I knocked on his door. David and I exchanged an anxious look before Dad opened the door.
"Vi!" he cheered as he registered that it was me, "woahh David Bowie?" his mouth dropped as when he realised who was stood beside me.
"Hi Dad" I laughed as he allowed us in.
"...I can't, wait, hang on, what the fuck?" dad was clearly caught off guard and baffled by David's presence.
"Its nice to meet you Mr Chambers" David held his hand out for my Dad to shake.
"It's actually you....its a pleasure to meet you too, but what..what are you doing here?" my Dad firmly shook his hand, trying to piece this scenario together.
"Dad, David and I are seeing each other..." I spoke up, swallowing hard as I waited for his response. He simply looked between the pair of us.
"oh...well thats nice" Dad responded, we could see the cogs working in his brain trying to compute the new information. "come in, lets sit down, drinks?" he led us into the familiar living room. David and I sat down together on the larger plush sofa.
"2 coffees, David has his black, and no sugar" I answered for the pair of us.
"Thank you Mr Chambers" David nodded at my Dad.
"Please, just call me Matthew" my Dad seemed to be adjusting to David's presence.
"I'll give you a hand Dad" I jumped up and followed him into the kitchen. I answered all of Dads awkward questions regarding David and I so he could spare the embarrassment in front of David.

"So, its it good to be back in England, David?" Dad asked David as we returned to the living room with the coffees.
"Oh it's always good to be back in England" David answered, taking a sip from his brew.
"Don't miss the weather though" I added, glancing at the miserable Manchester sky out of the window. We continued to make small talk and to get caught up for another hour or so before we Dad insisted on driving us all over to see Ryan. Dad took us over to Ryan's in his old blue Peugeot 206.
"Bet your used to big posh cars ay David" Dad joked as we turned onto Ryan's estate.
"Oh yeah" he laughed, "but I'm not a materialistic kind of person, I prefer functional to flash" he explained, glancing over at me and smiling.
"David's just a normal guy really Dad, he likes to read and watch TV" I added, chuckling at the thought of David's very different public persona.
"Whats your favourite book David?" Dad pondered, as we pulled up at Ryan's house.
"I have a few but A clockwork orange is probably my ultimate favourite, or The Great Gatsby" David answered confidently.
"Oh very nice, I love Gatsby" Dad responded before we unchecked our seatbelt in unison and climbed out of the vehicle. As Dad led the three of us up Ryan's path, Ryan opened the door. He looked different to when I saw him last. He was much thinner, his skin duller. It shocked me to see him ill like this. I grabbed David's hand, needing comfort.

"Heyyy, look who we have here!" Ryan called stepping onto his step with open arms. "oh my God what the fuck Bowie?" his mouth also dropped at the sight of David. "Violet?!" he glanced down at our hands clutching one another.
"Er hi Ryan" I answered shyly before laughing and stepping up to hug Ryan. We hugged tightly, savouring the moment and avoided the topic of David for one minute longer.
"So what's going on here then?" Ryan pulled away before looking back and forth between David and I.
"Can we get him inside please before nosy Nancy notices" I push David towards the open door, prompting all three men to laugh. We settled down on the sofas again, while Dad fixed the brews, insisting I tell Ryan 'all about it' whatever 'it' is, I gathered he meant tour and David.

"Well I'm gobsmacked to be honest with you, I can't believe it's actually you" Ryan shook his head, coming to terms with the fact David was actually sat on his sofa drinking his coffee and the fact that we are in a relationship. "How did it like actually happen, who made the first move?" He probed, now wanting the juicy gossip. David anxiously glanced at me.
"I think it was mutual" I piped up for us.
"I did kiss you first though" David added, I couldn't help but blush.
"Ahhh that's sweet" Ryan teased, "I remember when Violet was 7 and she had her first kiss" if I hadn't blushed before I certainly did then. David's mouth dropped in wonder. "It was proper cute, she was really good friends with this little boy and they'd walk home together, and this one day he kissed her goodbye and Violet's face after was the cutest thing" Ryan rambled as I closed my eyes and willed for the floor to swallow me up.
"Awww don't be shy Violet" I heard David's voice as he placed a reassuring hand on my knee, "it's adorable" I opened my eyes back up to see David's soft goofy smile. The topic of discussion for the rest of the afternoon seemed to be me and particularly embarrassing stories. Luckily after we had some tea which was Ryans special chili con carne, we managed to discuss a bit of music and David for a change. Then we said our goodbyes and David and I headed back to my place. It was nice to see Ryan again the following day while David stayed home to work remotely, sorting admin type stuff out. We agreed this would give us a bit of space so that we didn't become too comfortable being with each other so much so soon.

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