When I Live My Dream

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Violet's POV

3am, the lullaby that was the hum of the road suddenly stopped, dragging me from my peaceful sleep. I came to my senses immediately as I found myself entangled with David. I was snuggled against him, my head flush against his chest and our legs tangled. I smiled at the sight of David's bare chest lightly rising and falling. Subtly, I checked my watch. It was far too early. I entertained myself by grazing my forefinger softly over David's warm skin. Being with him made me forget about the reality of the wider world. I never wanted it to end. Suddenly, I noticed David's breaths change, I looked up to see his tired eyes blinking open. As he came to, he smiled sweetly.

"Come here you" his voice was groggy and intoxicating, I did as he said and pushed myself forward so that we were parallel. His hands found their way to my hips and guided me on top of him so that I straddled his hips. "What are you doing awake?" he questioned, his uneven eyes were gradually getting brighter.

"I just woke up" I shrugged nestling my head into the crook of his neck. The scent of his skin was a mix of aftershave and fresh linens and it was tantalising.

"I might go have a cigarette, wanna come?" he took a deep breath, rubbing his hands against my back. I pecked a few delicate kisses along his neck and collarbone, making his breaths deepen slightly.

"Sure" I replied as I finished kissing his sculpted collarbone. With that, before we got distracted, we jumped out of the bunk and headed out of the bus. David handed me one of of his silky robes to protect my bare arms from the cool early morning air. We sat ourselves on a grassy verge, David smoked and I laid back looking up at the night sky. For a good 20 minutes we enjoyed the peace and quiet, watching the odd car pass by and David getting his nicotine fix. Returning to his bunk, we almost immediately fell back to sleep.

After a handful of hours of golden sleep, we had arrived at the next venue. We savoured a few minutes in the bunk, refusing to get up. We had chatted about me getting back to work as it would be a pleasant distraction. I finally manage to persuade David that it was a good idea and that if anyone should say anything, that I should tell him and he'd get it sorted. It felt rather comforting knowing he was always around if I needed him. With one last kiss we departed and put our professional work faces on. We had made a pact that when we were working, we would be 100% professional. No inappropriate touching or conversations, just work. Anything inappropriate was to be saved for the privacy of the bunks.

Luckily there were no bumps with me going back to work, everyone treated me with respect and like nothing had happened. My guess was that they were starting to click onto mine and David's situation and for everyone's sake it was easier to carry on as normal. We chatted like normal but it didn't take long for someone to enquire about the David situation.

"So what's the crack with you two?" Francine wiggled her eyebrows, wanting all the gossip.

"I've stayed in his bunk and that a couple times now, we've had a couple of deep conversations" I shrugged, feeling lightly awkward discussing the details. I trusted Francine though and I know I'd be just as curious if it were to be the other way round. She nodded her head forwards, insinuating she wanted more details. "We've spooned and that and he may have admitted that he's 'falling for me'" to which I giggled as it didn't sound real.

"oOooOh" Francine's mouth dropped and I chuckled. "my girl is having a hot affair with David frick'in Bowie" she joked, nudging me to provoke more laughter.

"shhhh, keep your voice down" I shushed whilst trying to keep a straight face.

The rest of the tour was a challenge, not only because of dealing with the news of Ryan and keeping in touch with home, but the palaver of trying to keep David and I's situation hush-hush. The Ryan situation was manageable because I could keep a mask on and keep my personal life private. As for David, he loved to tease and with being on tour, it meant that for most of the time there was no privacy whatsoever. The end of the tour arrived all of a sudden an I didn't expect to be so relieved that it was coming to an end. The night of the final show, there was a massive party, everyone was there, even Mick Jagger and Annie Lennox.

"relax, just try and see them as my friends, thats what they are really" David encouraged me to try and relax after I'd slightly freaked out at the sight of Annie Lennox and her beautiful face.

"b...but, look at her, she's actually beautiful" I stammered trying to compute what I was seeing.

"Yes she is, but remember she shits and farts like the rest of us" he chuckled, finally getting me to relax. So, David threaded my arm through his and wandered us towards Annie who was chatting with a few of the team.

"David, oh it is wonderful to see you" she beamed at the sight of us approaching her. They embraced each other with a hug and kisses to each cheek.

"Likewise my darling, I love the hair" David oozed, admiring the lady's hair.

"And who are you?" she turned her attention to me, catching me off guard. I could see her trying to figure me out.

"I'm Violet" I grinned, holding my hand out to shake hers.

"She's our brilliant sound engineer" David added as Annie ignored my hand completely and engulfed me in a warm hug.

"Ahh, bravo Miss. Is this your first stint as a roadie?  I must say you don't look very old" Annie scrutinised me. I felt my cheeks flush from the attention.

"I'm 23, I graduated last summer" I gulped. With that the ice was broken and I was happily chatting away with her and David. So much so that David continued to mingle without me. I think after the half an hour of chatting we were basically friends and she had allowed me to mingle with a few other interesting music people. The one rule for me for the night was not to get too drunk as I had a flight home to London the next morning. But talking to all these people put me on edge with drink being the only effective relief. Later on, as the drinks and the antics flowed, I found myself back with David.

"Having fun are we?" he questioned, having flew into me on the makeshift dance  floor, purposely or not. He held me closely, a vice-like grip on my hip and my face only millimetres from his.

"mmmaybe" I teased, trying to hide my drunkenness as he gazed straight into my eyes.

"well you're pupils are fuckin huge" he chuckled, before turning me and taking my hands, making me dance with him. "You've been quite the social butterfly tonight my darling" he leads as we move amongst the others to some generic 80s rock. I responded with a chuckle as I tried to regain my composure. "I'm glad this tour is over though, you can get home to Ryan" he added, irritating me slightly as I didn't want reminding of reality when I felt high above the clouds.

"Yeah" I frowned, glancing at the floor between us.

"Baby, whats wrong?" David must've noticed my hesitation as he slowed us down almost to a stop.

"I don't want to have to go home! I want to stay here forever!" I felt like a stroppy 5 year old but did my best to avoid sounding too childish.

"Oh me too my love, but you'll be on the next tour, don't worry" he reassured me.

"Will I?" I was clearly sober enough to notice the job offer, which made us both chuckle. David blatantly enjoyed teasing me while I was at a minor disadvantage as he continued to make fun and joke. It was all in good spirit and I was aware it was all self-inflicted due to my alcohol consumption. Shortly after that, David circled through the guests, with me in tow, to say our goodbyes and bid farewell. Before we had even left the room I could feel the eyes and hear the rumours brewing. I was too drunk to care.

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