Beauty & The Beast

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David's POV

I can't believe I kissed her. Despite all of the alcohol in my system, it was honestly electrifying. Vince's irresponsibility earlier that night had set me on a self destructive path for the night, so despite the thrill of the kiss, I was already very, very drunk. About 3/4 of a bottle of gin to be precise. I didn't plan on stopping either, the stop button lost its function once I had a certain amount in my system. As the night faded into the early hours of the morning, people begin to drop off and the room is half empty. I want to continue partying.
"David it's 2am, everyone is going to bed now, you should too"  Louisa tried to coax me away from the party.
"Nahhh, I just need to dance a little bit more" I staggered, trying to turn the stereo up.
"David, you should really listen to us you know" Vince chipped in. How dare he try and tell me what I should do. The anger inside me bubbled over, the alcohol removing my ability to be rational.
"Don't you tell me what I should and shouldn't do!" I turned to speak to Vince directly.
"It's for your own good mate!" He put his hand on my shoulder. I simply stared at it.
"Get your hand off of me." I growled, turning my gaze to him.
"Boys let's not fight" Louisa tried to defuse the situation.
"Oh we're mister high and mighty are we?" Vince sassed. I grabbed him by his lapels, he just kept pushing me to the limit and tonight it surpassed it. I rarely saw red but right then it was vivid as hell.
"David!" Louisa yelled trying to break us up, "Vince, get lost!"
"You think that because you've quit the coke, you're so righteous. Wake up David, so many people around you are on this shit" Vince's vile words eventually just faded away, I was so angry I couldn't react. I didn't even notice Louisa leave. I only noticed when she returned with Violet, she looked baffled by the scenario.
"What is she doing here?" I scowled, turning my attention to Violet.
"David?" Her voice was so quiet and fearful.
"You need bringing back to reality" Louisa explained, dragging Vince straight out of the room. Leaving me alone with Violet. Tears pricked my eyes.
"David?" Her small voice wobbled, bringing me straight back to reality. I couldn't speak, I walked straight over to her and hugged her so tightly. "What was that?" I heard her ask after a moment. I took a deep breath and stepped back.
"I think I need to make some changes" I tell her. "I need to stop drinking". I opened up to her about all the recent events and my previous relationship with drugs and booze. She sat and listened intently to every word I said, her saddened eyes not leaving mine.
"We should go to bed" she said when I had finished my talk and we had laughed it all off to lighten the mood.
"We should. Do you...Can you come stay in my room?" I stuttered, at risk of sounding like a young child.
"If that's what you want" she took hold of my hand, making a feeling of warmth surge towards my heart. We strolled along the corridors and out of the arena and over to the hotel. We got lost a few times as the we tried to find our way as the the alcohol still had control. We giggled and stumbled our way into my room without too many hiccups or disasters.

We fall into my spacious room which is basically untouched.
"Erghhh, I'm so tired" shes sighs as she collapses onto the king size bed.
"Me too" I shortly follow, crashing onto the bed beside her. We groan as we lay perfectly still for a moment. "Let's sleep" I huff, pulling off my jeans. Shit she probably needs something to sleep in, luckily my dress shirts are the billowy kind and would make the ideal nightdress for her.
"Do you want something of mine to sleep in?" I ponder, turning to face her.
"If you have something?" She smiled, her eyelids looking rather droopy.
"I've got a shirt that will swamp you" I announced, heading over to my case. I momentarily dug around in the case, wearing just a t shirt and my boxers. Moments later I returned to Violet dozing off, her head resting on her hand. "Here, before you drift off" I smiled sweetly, handing her one of my shirts. "I won't look" I beamed as I proceeded to pull my shirt off and hop into bed.

Rising the next morning was a struggle. My stomach felt like it was made out of jelly and a blinding pain split my head.
"Fuck me!" I groaned, trying to muster the energy to get out of bed. That's when memories of last night started to filter back to me and I remembered Violet was beside me. She was still quietly dozing beside me. I smiled at the sight before rolling over to sit on the edge of the bed. Luckily a pack of my marlboros were on the bedside table along with my lighter so I didn't have to get up before I got my nicotine fix. I took a moment to savor the soothing sensation and get ready.
"You're up early" I heard Violet's soft voice, startling me slightly. It was 8am.
"I don't sleep well when I've had a drink" I explained, finishing my packing.
"Same really, last night was eventful" she sighed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"To put it lightly" I laughed, joining her on the bed.
"You're a strong man" she sat herself up and smiled. Her kind words touched me. Most people around me don't really care, they're just after material things or the fame. Violet is kind and appreciative.
"I like to think I am" my eyes focused in on hers, even her eyes were just so kind and pure.
"No, you are! You put up with so much stuff yet you always remain so strong. It must be exhausting keeping the charade up" her words were so wise for someone who was so young. She leaned closer to me as she spoke. " I think you maybe should be a bit more selfish sometimes" she reached a hand out to me, her little hand delicately meeting my face, her soft fingers holding my cheek. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping to stay in that moment forever.
"You're right" I sighed. She nodded, brushing her thumb across my cheekbone before retracting. "I'll speak to my manager when we're on the coach later, I'll see what I can sort out. I cut the coke out of my life, I need to cut the booze now" I felt a positive shift within me. Enough was enough.

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