After All

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Violet's POV

The past fortnight or so had been an emotional rollercoaster but now the funeral was out of the way and I had moved out of my Manchester house and moved in with David in London. David was the best thing for me throughout the whole time, he kept my feet on the ground while my mind was all over the place. Now, settled in with him in his lovely, grand house, I began to adjust to life again. David was in his study, doing some admin things while I was painting in the spare room with Motown playing on the record player. Having not gone back to work, it allowed me the freedom to do some painting and other hobbies again.

"Violet!" I heard his familiar voice call from across the hall. I was far too absorbed in my brush strokes to respond immediately. "Vi!" He called again, this time more melodically, making me smile. "Ah here you are" he announced, slight relief in his tone.
"Yep I'm definitely here" I responded, turning my attention to him, stood in the doorway with a smug smile on his face.
"Oh I love this song, come dance" he admitted as the song changed to The Temptations. He sauntered towards me and pulled me into him. We swayed to the music, his hand held mine securely in his while his other arm looped around my waist, pulling me close to him as my arms wrapped around his neck. I played with the hair at the back of his head as our eyes locked on one another. "I've been thinking" he declared, his soft gaze not shifting from mine.
"Oh dear" I jokingly rolled my eyes., earning a mock glare from David.
"No this is a good one" he insisted.
"Yeah," I encouraged him, still enchanted by his eyes.
"Well, I want to take you away, for a break. You deserve a bit of time away" he explained. He was right, I could really do with a bit of a holiday after everything that had happened.
"Where are we going?" I probed, now too distracted to continue our dancing.
" I have a place in Mustique if you fancy, it's so peaceful there, or we can go to Switzerland, anywhere you want" he shrugged with a keen smile. Excitement cursed through me.
"You want to take me to Mustique?" I retorted , it almost sounded too good to be true.
"Of course I do. It's beautiful, you will love it. I want to treat you to all the best things on this planet" he reasoned before leaning in to kiss me, long and passionately.
"When can we go?" I pondered as the kiss broke off, the excitement taking over.
"In the morning?" He asked, taking me by surprise.
"Tomorrow?!" I gasped, unsure I was hearing properly. He nodded cautiously with a hint of a smile. "Is that possible? We have to pack?" I was flabbergasted.
"Well yeah, I can get us on a private flight in the morning. You'd better get packing" he winked before tightening his hold on me, hugging me lovingly.
"Oh my god! You're amazing!" I couldn't contain my excitement. I hugged him back as tight as possible before jumping about and giggling. David did his best not to laugh at my keen excitement. I couldn't believe it, I was officially the happiest girl on earth again.

The End.

A/N: sorry this chapter isn't that long but I didn't want to overkill it. On the bright side, I have some ideas for a sequel in the pipeline so I will be bringing that out soon. Hope you enjoyed this story Xx

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