Where Are We Now?

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David's POV

"Look at that pair of love birds!" I woke up to hear a familiar voice calling. Abruptly I woke up, realizing I was on the sofa with Violet fast asleep and tucked into my side. I didn't want to wake her so I just shot them a glare. They cackled and scurried off. The slight activity must've woken Violet because she began to stir.
"Oh shit, sorry" she groaned, rubbing her neck as she pushed herself up from me.
"No" I yawned, pulling her back to me, "stay, you're cute" I said as she molded into my side.
"What time is it?" She asked, lightly placing a hand on my thigh.
"8ish, the others are up, we're here now I reckon" I explained, running my fingers down her back.
"We should go and join them shouldn't we?" She pondered. She always seemed to be worrying about something, double checking and asking questions.
"5 more minutes" I demanded, snuggling into the girl's side. I don't know how she did it but she brought me huge comfort just by being there.
"David?" I heard Violet's shy voice.
"Violet?" I mimicked, glancing down to look at her more clearly.
"What are you doing?" She pondered, catching me off guard.
"Erm, snoozing" I shrugged, confused by her question.
"Nooo, I mean like us, why are you treating me like this?" She explained, her fingers fiddling with the soft knitted blanket.
"Oh erm," I thought out loud for a moment. "I just really like you Violet. I like being around you. You relax and comfort me" I added, hoping she'd appreciate my honesty.
"So like in a casual seeing each other kind of way?" She queried, fingers still fiddling with the blanket, her gaze not shifting.
"I guess so yeah" I nod, "I know they take the piss, because I'm older but it doesn't bother me, if it doesn't bother you?" I wonder. She finally shifted her gaze up to me. Her eyes wide awake now. Without a word she twisted herself forward, wrapping her arms around to hug me tightly. I squeeze back to reciprocate. We paused for a moment before she pulled back slightly before taking a minute to look up into my eyes. Her eyes were like icy crystals, reflecting light off in all directions. They then dropped to look at my lips and I knew where this was going. I held back to allow her to take the lead. Her eyes quickly flicked back up to my eyes before she closed her eyes and leant forward. I closed my eyes as her supple lips collided with mine. It was a sensitive yet passionate and intense kiss. Her hand came to cup my cheek as she deepened the kiss. I could feel the pent up passion spill between our lips. My hands found their place around the base of her back, holding her closely to me. As she broke off the kiss she teasingly grazed my bottom lip with her teeth, forcing me to open my eyes and see her sultry stare. If I didn't fancy her before I certainly did now.
"I guess the age doesn't bother you either then?" I joke, smirking at the encounter. She simply shook her head and traced my jawline with her finger. The gentle touch sending my senses into overdrive.
"Not at all" she smiled shyly, her finger running down past my Adam's apple, making me swallow hard.
"So you do fancy older men!" I laugh, surrendering to her teasing, I grab her by her waist and swing her around and bring us both to our feet.
"Just you!" She declares in defeat, her arms clinging around my neck, to keep her on her feet. We share another passionate kiss before we begrudgingly depart and head off to work for the day.

Since we left the bus I couldn't keep my mind from drifting to her. I longed to be with her again, to be holding her, talking to her. Doing my best to keep my mind occupied, I threw myself into work, hoping Violet would be doing the same.
"I'm guessing you've heard about Vince?" Rick announced, pulling me from my daze.
"No?" I shrugged, unaware of the situation.
"They've sacked him, sent him off home" Rick looked proud of the fact. I placed my notepad on the floor to focus on the news.
"Ay? What for?" I tried to compute the idea.
"Pissing too many people off I think, the boss is looking at how to fill in for him. He's probably gonna get a couple of the younger techies to step up" Rick explained.
"Do you know who?" I wondered, my mind instantly thought of Violet. The step up would mean a pay rise plus she could show off her ability more.
"Nah, there'll be a briefing later tho" he assured me before placing a firm hand on my shoulder and allowing me to continue with my tasks. My mind was distracted now though so I decided to go find Geoff, the Boss to get the lowdown. He explained the situation clearly and proceeded to explain how it was going to continue. My thinking was correct, Violet was going to step up and cover some of Vince's role along with Francine. The thought made me laugh because those two would be joking and chatting their way through the job yet would still do it better than Vince. I tell Geoff that the plan sounded great and that I wanted to break the news to Violet. He agreed and I set off to try and find Violet. I sped off to try and find her however she wasn't anywhere to be found. Not at the mixing desk, nor backstage, not outside in the smoking area or the buses. I started to worry slightly, she was always where she should be. Luckily I bumped into Francine so I told her the news and she was elated. I asked her where Violet was and she said she hadn't seen her since this morning. Mind blown, I went outside to have a cigarette. That's when I heard her voice from around the corner. She was on the phone and she sounded stressed.

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