Here Comes The Night

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David's POV

To say I was ready to let my hair down was an understatement. Since I reigned in my use of the ol blow around a year ago, I found myself needing that drink a little more. That and the cigs were enough to keep me going.

As soon as we entered the room, the vibe we had on the plane was restarted. The radio was on, cig smoke was wafting through the room and the crew were scattered all around with various alcoholic beverages within their clutch.
"Guys you've been here an hour and the rooms a state" I guffawed, making our entrance known. I found myself a cup poured some of my gin and got myself comfortable among the others.
"So Violet would shag you aye?" Cal piped up, elbowing me.
"Fuck off" I sighed, I should've known they would continue picking.
"What? Thats what she said" he reasoned.
"Cal it was a game, it was between me and Francine, unless she's gay then..." I finished my point with a shrug to drive my point. The whole thing really didn't mean much.
"I mean she said she'd marry her soooo, imagine the two of them mate" Cal persisted, inappropriate as ever. I rolled my eyes.
"Fuck off!" I groaned.
"We off out tonight?" Vince chirped in, sensing the slight hostility. The group responded in dribs and drabs but the general response was yes. I glanced over to Violet, she didn't really respond much, she just kept drinking. I noticed our cups suddenly become empty and so I picked them up to refill them. Oblivious, she had gotten up to follow me.
"Aren't you a good host?" She leant on the table beside me, watching as I fixed our drinks.
"I like to think so my love" I beamed, adding some ice to the beverages.
"You are, well you look after me at least" she seemed to be slurring her words slightly.
"Nahh you don't need looking after, you just need some attention that's all" I pulled out a cigarette and placed it between my lips.
"What do you mean by that?" She frowned, gazing up to me.
"Well you're a capable girl so you don't need looking after but you're interesting, more people should pay you more attention" I explained lighting up the cig and taking a deep drag.
"Oh, thanks" she still seemed rather confused by my statement but I figured she'd work it out eventually. After our little chat we rejoined the group and the chatter continued before we collectively decided to head into the city and find a bar.

The place we ended up at was pretty cool, it was small and quite quiet which made a nice change. I had a hat on so I could remain somewhat anonymous which was handy. By time we got inside and claimed some drinks and a space, we were all well oiled. The music was some modern pop/rock stuff which wasn't too bad, it was danceable which was the main thing. Francine and Violet were straight on the dance floor with Vince, cutting some rather interesting shapes. It wasn't long before I was also dragged out. We were all far too pissed to be dancing in public but we were also far too pissed to care. Francine tactfully dragged Vince away to the bar at one point leaving me alone with Violet. So we began dancing together, her arms draped over my shoulders and mine on her small waist.
"Well I didn't think I'd be dancing with you like this" She slurred into my ear then grinned like a Cheshire Cat.
"Why not?" I mocked, my vision slightly blurry as I looked down into her eyes.
" I dunno, you're Bowie" she swayed heavily and so I caught her, holding her tightly, before taking us off to the outside area. She was all over the place. My instinct kicked in and I sobered up immediately.
"Hey, hey" I held her up as we quickly walked to a fence outside that she could lean on "I think someone's had enough".
"Noooo" she insisted, giggling on her words as she steadied herself.
"I'll get someone to pick us up, you need to go to get home" I explained, pulling out my phone.
"I'm not drunk" she blabbered, now gripping my lapels for support.
"And the pope isn't catholic" I chuckled before quickly calling my manager to arrange a lift to the hotel. Within 5 minutes Brian had arrived to take us home. All the while Violet was jabbering on in complete gibberish which amused us no end.

"Good luck getting her sorted Dave" Brian laughed, watching, as I struggled to walk us both down the corridor to my room. My room was closer so I figured it'd be easier. In all honesty it was nice to see Violet so relaxed, maybe not this relaxed but still. I somehow succeeded in getting her in the room safely.
"Ooh it smells nice here" she blurted as I placed her on the bed, "wait, this isn't my room?" A puzzled look swept across her face.
"No, this is my room but it was closer, you can sleep here" I explained, removing my shoes and jacket.
"I see" she struggled to get herself under the duvet, "wait, where are you sleeping?" She now looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
"On the sofa" I went to help her out of her jacket and shoes.
"Noooo, I feel bad, you can sleep in here too, I don't mind honestly" her mouth went into overdrive, it was quite a cute image really. And so with that I fixed us some glasses of water, removed our shoes and got us into bed safely.

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